Deirdyweirdy ZAP - 20180430t184241452z

in #zapfic6 years ago

Authorities worldwide are desperately seeking the antidote to a global epidemic of 'humanity', which has seen mass walkouts by military, judicial and law enforcement personnel, a cessation of all hostilities and a zero crime rate.#zapfic


You have a way of turning very few words into a powerful story.

I bet you say that to all the girls;)

Behave. :-D What I am looking for is for someone to finish my freewrite story. I've done the 200 one ahead (because of time zones). If you agree, you can have the story and do a part 2.

200 one? Ahead? Eeeeek, lost!
I've never completed someone else's story before. I guess I could try but what if you don't like it, or I'm useless?

I'm sure I'll like it. That's why I chose you. You can do with it what you want.
I could either;
send you the story on discord
Post the story and then send you the link.

I'm the chosen one? Well, fan my brow!
Whatever way you want to do it is fine with me. I just hope we'll still be friends at the end of it all;)

Ok, I'll post the story and put a link here and in the option freewrite post. I'll do that now before I sleep.

Wouldn't that be bliss! And it's all that's needed to sort most of the problems out.


Indeed, but sadly humanity seems beyond most of us.

Yes, I think that was the plan all along. Destroy real communities and turn us all into self-obsessed, mindless consumer-zombies. :(


I'd have to agree with you. There's definitely been a concerted effort to destroy communities and to foster suspicion and mistrust. I certainly remember a time when I knew all of my neighbours by name. Now I'd be hard-pressed to pick them out of a lineup.

pick them out of a lineup

hahah yes, same here. But that's coz lots of my neighbours wear this:


Hahahahahaha, hilarious.
Two years ago I could have said we don't see such garb in Dublin. Now I have at least 5 people with no faces as neighbours. Quite disconcerting meeting them in the corridor.

Lol. Yes, it must be the fashion nowadays. I can see the appeal if you're having a bad hair day or a pimple fest but other than that it must be a bit of a nuisance. :P


Well I have to say, the older I get, the more attractive converting to Islam becomes.

Ooh, it will be really nice to read that in a newspaper.

You'd immediately know it was fake news;)

This is sure to be breaking news on every news channel worth it’s salt. Now if only we could make this happen in real life, real soon.
But thanks for making us dream :)

Yes, if only. But I guess humanity is a little too much to expect from us humans.

Please tell me where this world is so I can move there. Love this thought! : )

Sorry, ya missed it. The PTB have already found the antidote and returned all of the afflicted to normal.

What a damn shame...on both counts.

That would be quite the epidemic!! We can live in hope...

Wouldn't it make you wonder if we're all the good, decent people we say we are, who the hell is responsible for all the evil and wrongdoing we see around us.

Ya, I do think that most people for the most part are good natured. There are others who go around with a veil, and beneath it their true self lies.. They tend to influence the generally good
natured people, often without them being aware... This is probably true of politics too. Often you see seemingly decent people going into politics, only to become as bad and sometimes
worse than the ones we know are not to be trusted.. Personally, I always try to see the best in people, especially when they have done me no wrong directly, i tend to give people the benefit
of the doubt, and see positivity, although sometimes there is none, and you have to except that there are some bad apples...

I would tend to agree with you that most people are decent and wouldn't do another harm. I guess part of the problem is that the good ones are too afraid to call out bad behaviour when they encounter it and so it goes unchallenged.

Do you know something, that is a great point, and I have been guilty of it myself by not calling it out.. We need to be braver, and say it to people when they cross the line..

Absolutely, as long as they're smaller and punier than we are, I'd thoroughly recommend it;)

That's pretty darn impressive! I would love to see this!

Cheers, thanks. Just imagine if we all woke up one day and decided to embrace our humanity. Doesn't actually seem too difficult. Does it?

It doesn't. I wish it would happen yesterday!

nice word for word

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