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RE: you don’t belong to the government.

in #zap6 years ago

Let me raise a salient point that nobody has brought up, or likely hasn't been remarked:

But first, the Important Thoughts that should concern every American from what appears to be a required reading article.

If government derives its power from the governed, and if the people you want to destroy are part of the governed — if not, then why are they subjected to your law? — you can’t do it, because you don’t have the right to destroy those from whom your rights come.

Put otherwise, the role of Employer and Employee cannot be confused.

BUT even then the declaration of independence is an antidote. You can’t kill people who aren’t your subjects, but the people from whom your power derives. Not unless you can prove they are not citizens, not of the body. Yes, sure, governments do that, and we should be aware of that, but it’s at least a hurdle for them to get over, not simply “we’ve determined you’re better off dead.”

And to point out the issue: We, the Free, Sovereign and Independent People are not Citizens. Our Government is Self-Rule/Self Govern, and the constitution is a Good Faith Agreement that being Unilateral in nature it binds the Federal, from the Federation of Free, Sovereign and Independent States/Nations/Countries to The People, and those agents were acting in the name of the people and under the auspices of Lawfulness or Consent of the Governed which they assented to without Coercion, Extortion or Force but by the voluntary vouching to participate in the process and thereby giving assent to it, and it only had capacity over those Assending and made no demand on those not present, like a unilateral, good faith agreement would be, especially if you consider the mental brawn of Franklin. The federal is not Our Government, our government is whatever State we are from, as in Texas, and if you're naturalized and own land you are considered a Texan, especially if you don't work for the US as a citizen. Citizenship is merely Political Status and it's not nationality.


Unlike what our leftists believe, you don’t belong to the government. The government belongs to you. You’re not a subject nor a slave. You’re the owner of the joint.

You do not OWN the federal any more than you own anyone that Services you. Let those that created this deal with this and don't pawn off this mad creation on people who have nothing to do with it.

and this exemplifies the error of the thought:

We are endowed by [our] Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Not the government’s to give. Not the government’s to take away. The government can take a flying leap, and all its supposedly pure-hearted busybodies with it.

A citizen, not a subject.

A citizen is synonymous with a subject and it's the very definition of it, without which defining citizen would be impossible.

Citizens have duties and privileges although the phrase is always privileges and duties to symbolize that the privilege makes the duty, not the duty the privilege but regardless of which one's which, neither of them are Rights. If you stand on your rights then you are nobody's Subject indeed, which can be interpreted as an act of War by some, which is not to say you shouldn't demand your rights before your Public Servants but that you ought to be ready to mend War into Peace because it won't matter what you demand if the ones you're making demands from have no clue what you're talking about.

But we need to know those words, and understand them, because they ARE the founding documents of THIS land, and against them, the lies of collectivism cannot stand.

The founding documents of the land, in the sense that the Declaration made it known for all that there is no Divine Right of Kings and that the People and their States are Free, Sovereign and Independent ;D.

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