The Top Benefits of Healthy Eating

in #zackanthony2 years ago


Good health should be one of your main goals if you want to live the life you want, whether that means living long enough to see your grand kids grow up or staying fit enough to enjoy some late-in-life sports and hobbies. Research shows that regular exercise and healthy eating are crucial elements in being able to achieve this kind of longevity and wellness, so it’s important to know how to get started on the right path when it comes to both of these things. Here are the top ten benefits of healthy eating, both in terms of physical health and mental well-being.

#1: Relieves Stress
Stress relief is huge, but it’s often overlooked. In fact, stress-related conditions like insomnia and heart disease are among today’s leading causes of death. Why? Because when you experience stress, your body pumps out more cortisol—and unless you get a handle on it, that does things like raise your blood pressure and make you store fat around your midsection

#2: Promotes Better Sleep
It’s no secret that a good night’s sleep is important to health. One study found that people who suffer from chronic insomnia were more likely to die prematurely than those who slept well at night. However, poor sleeping habits can be overcome. Eating a healthy diet not only helps you fall asleep faster, but it also improves your ability to stay asleep for longer periods of time. A healthy diet reduces stress, which has been shown to disrupt normal sleep patterns.

#3: Gives You Energy All Day Long
Most people are tired all day long and fall asleep every night on their couches in front of their TVs. The problem is that most people’s diets consist mostly of processed foods and refined sugars, which ultimately leads to an energy crash from all those empty calories. If you want more energy each day, switch to a healthier diet. You’ll find yourself able to stay up later at night doing things you enjoy, like working on your business or spending time with family!

#4: Boosts Immune System
Nutritious food contains vital vitamins and minerals that are necessary for a healthy immune system. The more varied your diet, the better your body will fight off illness and disease.

#5: Improves Mood
Studies show that eating nutritious food can boost your mood and help you feel more energetic and less stressed. Happy customers mean happy sales, so how do you create a positive customer experience? It all starts with what’s on your menu—don’t skimp on ingredients that make everyone feel good. Don’t cut corners by using unhealthy or cheap processed foods; add in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and healthy fats to boost your menu’s appeal. The result will be happier customers who keep coming back for more!

#6: Creates Happiness in Daily Life
Do you feel good about yourself? Or are you sad, angry, scared or some other negative feeling? If you don’t like how you feel, it can be hard to get up in the morning and face a day full of obstacles. But eating healthy foods—and not too much—helps your body work at an optimal level. After all, who feels bad after eating a salad?

#7: Reduces the Risk of Diseases
A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help reduce your risk of diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. The vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are so abundant in these foods also have an impact on your body’s immune system. In fact, numerous studies show that people who eat healthier diets may be at a lower risk for certain types of cancers.

#8: Makes Your Brain Work Better
A lack of mental acuity is a common complaint among older adults. But research suggests that a healthy diet might help keep your mind sharp. A Harvard study conducted in 2008 found that eating fish or taking omega-3 supplements improved memory, learning and reasoning in healthy adults. And a study published in 2010 found that people with high blood levels of mercury performed worse on cognitive tests than those with lower mercury levels, even after adjusting for age, education and gender. Researchers suspect mercury may accumulate in brain tissue, interfering with cellular processes.

#9: Keeps You Slim and Trim
If you’re trying to lose weight or just stay at a healthy weight, eating right is paramount. You should focus on consuming a variety of nutritious foods and beverages. A diet rich in high-fiber, low-calorie foods will help slim your waistline. Choose whole fruits and vegetables, lean meats and fish, eggs, beans and peas, dairy products, nuts and seeds instead of fatty sweets and junk food.

10 Helps You Live Longer
If you eat right, you could have a longer lifespan. A study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition looked at data on over 75,000 women and men and found that those who reported healthier eating habits had an increased chance of living longer. There’s even good news for people with preexisting health problems: In addition to increasing your life expectancy, healthy eating may help keep serious illnesses at bay.


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