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RE: Voting 101 -- An Itty Bitty Fishy Guide To Voting Well (if over 1,000 SP -- this is not for you)

in #yunk7 years ago

I don't agree that you should not vote more than 10 votes per day. I consider it very stingy (if not greedy). It is free to upvote and does not cost anyone anything.Especially someone who has Steem Power lower than 5000 in their wallet. You can easily vote up to 40 times if your votes are 20-25%.
I do not really understand that attitude of trying to hold on sharing with others which is very common between whales - it seems that the more powerful someone is the more greedy the person becomes.
You can also upvote every single comment with 1% on top of that.
With that approach, you can easily cover all your friends posts (each gets at least 1 vote per day) plus loads of support for minnows.
What is important is not to post more than 4-5 times a day. More than that is frowned upon by old users and seen as post spam exploitation to milk the rewards. Sadly many users do it.


Agree and disagree. People should be voting way more than 10x/day. @logic, minnows don't get the sliding scale till they hit $500SP. As a small fish it doesn't matter where your vote power is, it's not worth much either way. All small fish should be voting 30-40x/day in my opinion. Ever since HF19 this phenomena of not upvoting has occurred and the engagement rate has dropped off the cliff.

Obviously, the red fish don't need to drain themselves so low that they can't recover their vote power, the lower one goes, the slower the recovery, it works on percentages. I implore the noobs to feel free to vote a bit more than 10x a day, I'd much prefer your upvote and your comment, than the 3 cents your 100% upvote would've brought.

Small fish should not get caught up in flagging content, it would be a waste of time and can only get their account destroyed. Don't bother.

I have to disagree with the self-upvote advice too. It's almost universally appropriate to upvote your own original content. Give your post a lift. You wrote it, you must believe in what you said. But, upvoting your comments on other people's posts is frowned on by all steemians. Occasionally upvoting your comment a penny, to get above the spam, is permissible, but you should likely write that. To upvote your comment on someone else's post and not upvote their post is lower than low. Don't do that.

Thank you @tecnosgirl for keeping the debate going, regarding appropriate behavior on steemit.

I like your points @wakeupsheeps. I have some posts that I put some serious time into, If I want to reward myself with my own upvote, I see no qualms with that. And I also agree with your last line, to not upvote someone else's post and upvote their own comment is pretty low.

They don't get the sliding scale till 500 but also their vote is worth 1-5 cent until then so by not voting others but only themsleves they don't gain anything.
IMO, if soemone is greedy holding their power over 80% or not voting more than 10 votes a day, then they should not expect other to be altruistic towards themselves and reciprocate on their posts.

Yes, self post voting is a must. Self comment voting is a no-no.

Sometimes I'll step into the replies of a great post and add a reply that is well thought out and a good conversation starter. It is 100 replies down though, and a lot of times the author will not even see it. In the past I would upvote the post then my reply. I guess I'll stop doing that. My goal was not to make myself money. It was to get past all the near empty replies of "Great post!" Is that really that bad?

I've noticed on here that people do what people do on Zerohedge too. They will reply to the top comment, and then people reply to that reply and down the list all to keep their replies at the time. It isn't as bad here. I will not reply to the top comment either unless it is a real reply with valuable content to add. :)

This really pertains to new folks -- anyone under 500 SP (no slider and does not understand other platforms). Their vote is "worthless" after 10 votes and it does not help them as it takes 24 hours just to regain that 20% loss.

Now this is not the same of high value accounts. So can we concentrate on teaching the new folks how to be better at voting as to actually be able to share the little -- PENNY POWER

I am not that powerful and the issue with it yes it doesn't cost anything but it also doesn't give anyone anything either when you drain your power and you are a minnow. I am still a minnow working on becoming larger and for minnows your vote isn't worth anything if vote too much. My husband also use the platform and his account is not worth much at all and if he goes below 80% he vote is worth 0 because his vote is only worth a cent or two right now, that is why a minnow shouldn't excessively vote, not till they gain some power, like the title states this is just the first of many tips for newbies, there will be another post by me or another of the Yunk team that tackles the topic of voting as you grow and how it should change.

I also don't always practice what I preach and go below 80% more than I would like, I just got back up there after being drained down to 0 VP

It took me a month+ for my vote to be worth a penny. Even when it's not worth a penny, it might be worth 3/4 of a penny. I was so proud when my vote made the rewards value change, by a penny. HF19 changed that and my vote went from a penny to .20$, then everything got weird. People stopped voting.

We are always going to depend on dolphin and whale votes to have a truly successful post, it doesn't mean that we should stop voting when we are near or below a penny. People like upvotes, no matter the value. To not vote is to slow your own growth.

To go along with your logic, I shouldn't have upvoted once in the first month+ that I was on the platform. I don't recommend the noobs ruin their voting power south of 60-70%, but they don't need to be near a 100% either, votes don't much matter when they are at .01.

I don't want to screw up your university, so I will slink away now.

I didn't mean to come off as not to vote at all, and if this came off that way I hope to clear it up in lesson two.

It's only my two cents, digest it with all the other comments you receive. I am very wary of the 10 vote advice to new fish, they will hold onto that thought for a long time.

I made an edit so anyone new seeing this knows I believe as you grow you should vote more, and that there are differing opinions on it. I just know I made some of the mistakes like not fully understanding things like good and bad bots. I got drained where my vote was worth 0 in two days. And didn't understand so I started researching and I still voted but it took me over a month to get back up to 80% or higher, I still haven't made it back to 100% yet. Got close because I was busy for two days and was hardly on, but I will never be 100% powered up because I can't help but vote for the great content on the site. I read so much crap too though and see so much stolen content. We will be address that issue in an upcoming lesson too.

More power to Yunk University. I've made the mistake of automating my vote and being drained to nothing. It really sucks because you get repowered on a percentage basis, so the lower you go, the slower it returns. Peace.

that was really my motivation to write this piece because of my mistake thinking it would help me but it really hurt me.

I'm around 1500 SP now, and I do have questions about the scaler. Would someone please discuss that at some point too? I'd greatly appreciate it. Being a newb and not understanding it well, I've been trying to keep it at 20% for my current SP level as you suggest above. Every once in a while for posts or replies I really believe are worth it, I'll go to 100%. What is the best strategy for me then based on your far better experience? Should I stick to doing what I've been doing, and do 20% votes about 40 times a day?

P.S. Is there a way to tell what scale power someone upvoted you? Does the steemdb or steemd sites give that information for example? For example, can @Tecnosgirl tell that I gave her 100% instead of 20% for this authored post?

I would keep doing like your have been doing. Simple game theory. You give me, I give back. Yu stop giving me I stp giving back. We both have 1000 SP but you give me pathetic 1% upvote on my post, then I will stop giving you my 20% and shift to 1%, etc.
For me the best way to check how much power someone used on your post upvotes is via steemstats.
Everything is clear there. You can also clearly see there who is greedy and who is an altruist :-)

Yeah, I give so little even for a 100% that giving less than 20% would be absurd. I was thinking 20% for the reason you said though, and it lets me give a lot more votes before dropping really lower in total SP % power left. Thank you!

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