yoyow! it's time to tango on bitfinex

in #yoyow7 years ago


Yoyow on Bitfinex, where is Steem?

In-case you are unfamiliar with the matter, Yoyow is an offshoot project by some of the cn community to build a DSM platform serving the Chinese audience. At it's core, it is a a place which rewards content creators in much the same way as Steemit, except their system employs what they call Proof of Taste instead of the Proof of Brain on Steemit - semantically they probably mean the same thing; Stake Weight based voting , attention economy blah blah, we've heard it before already.

ERC20 token?

So, it's an ERC20 token but the platform isn't utilising the ETH blockchain?
We have a demo website released, and a pretty looking website with an equally pretty looking whitepaper with fancy gobbledeegook. Sound familiar?

So let me ask Yoyow these questions on behalf of all the people dumbfounded by the listing on Bitfinex.

  • Aside from a web wallet to hold the ERC20 tokens you have issued, what actual tangible working product distinguishing it from just a token have you released?
  • What problems are you attempting to solve? Or, it a case of trying to fit a solution into something that isn't really a problem?
  • Is the fact that your target audience is Chinese going to be a problem? The government does not like censorship resistant platforms (duh!) and they also don't like public chain crypto-coins.
  • Given the above, would it not be a lesson learned from Steemit that the Chinese market is not conducive to this kind of product?

It all boils down to a couple of things. Yoyow is essentially a redesign of Steemit that doesn't really provide too many new or different innovations. It is at most, a makeover of an existing product. I say makeover and realise that there isn't actually any working beta of Yoyow, nor proof there is one.

So we've established a couple of things.

  • Yoyow has no working product beyond a wallet (I can cobble an ERC20 web wallet together in less than day)
  • By induction it has few end users or rather, none at all.
  • Target market is becoming increasingly distanced from crypto.


  • None of the developers are known blockchain architects.
  • None of the developers are known full stop.
  • The roadmap doesn't extend beyond a listing at Bitfinex?

Bitfinex adding random ERC20 tokens, is it random or is it calculated fraud.

About 2 years ago, the larger exchanges started throwing 'AML/KYC', regulation around and began selectively adding coins to their exchanges. They knew that adding coins with a large user interest would generate a lot of volume and thus revenue.

However, Yoyow has no end users, just a few speculators and no end product. It doesn't satisfy as a project with "significant user interest", certainly not comparable to a website with tens of thousands of active users daily such as Steemit.

The exchanges quickly realised that they could make even more money, if they became the market makers for the markets they list! This allows them to inflate volumes as much as they want because the fee's go back into their own pocket, and as the exchange, they see everything.. Who's orders belong to who, where the conditional orders are, the stops, the incoming deposits.. everything. It's a market maker's dream.

The last thing the exchange requires is a large control of the supply because to "pump" any coin, there can't be perfect unilateral distribution, markets are too hard to control otherwise. Therefore, the only logical explanation is that the Yoyow team has struck a deal with Bitfinex giving the exchange a large control of the stake.

Bitfinex are stake holders of Yoyow token

  • Bitfinex now has incentive to list Yoyow and make the market.
  • Yoyow team sign nda + agreement to not dump their coins for a given amount of time.
  • BFX creates liquidity through market making yoyow and drawing attention to the market by pumping the price.

And there we have it, the real reason why an unproven project with literally no end users, no real organic interest can suddenly be listed on bitfinex. We all have hunches about Bitfinex and their crooked operations but the listing of Yoyow has all but confirmed them.

The market listing had it's usual spike and then return to mean. The noise I expect the market to make will be several magnitudes larger than what we've seen so far. The price should make headlines and cause a scurry. This has not happened so far and thus it is the best time to start accumulating. Just don't expect the project to have much longevity because fundamentally it is run by a bunch of amateurs. Take your profit and walk away.

Steemit will have it's day, and it won't rely on a fraudulent exchange pumping a fraudulent coin, with fraudulent money.


Yoyow is based on Graphene and intends to reward users for answers rather than the original post/question. It'll be serving the Chinese market and includes a number of talented engineers who are very familiar with Graphene. Your post is long winded and ill-infomed.

Is it unreasonable to ask questions? Who are the engineers ? What is their background? What justifies their listing on bitfinex? Yoyow proposes to be on graphene, but let's be honest it is a glorified fork of steem. But then, they've not even done that because all there is right now is an erc20 token. You are the one that is I'll informed if you don't see the listing as anything but odd.

I have an idea. Read their website.

Well that's funny because apparently you have better command of Chinese than I do, and none of the above information I requested is anywhere to be found. Go figure.

There is a reason why people post their linkedin profile and show their contributions on git. It is beyond a joke to list a bunch of people with no credibility.

Also, can you please answer on behalf of the steemit community, why a coin with no functioning product is listed on the exchange when Steemit has delivered a minimum viable product and nowhere to be seen?

It’s called an ICO for a reason. You shitting on a graphene based product is childish. You aren’t questioning, you are criticizing something you know nothing about.

It's not a graphene based product. There is nothing but an erc20 token

Learn to read, I am not shitting on a graphene based product, I'm asking reasonable questions because having read the website, the white paper, in both Chinese and English , I'm left with more questions than answers. So, I beg, don't make nonsense statements, blindly defending something of no substance, and employing ad hominem to cover your clear ill intent to divert the discussion elsewhere.

Further, the case remains that it was listed on BFX with no MVP. The crux of the discussion that matters most to me is not even about it's legitimacy as a product (though there are plenty of reasons to question it), but rather why it is pre-maturely listed on the exchange based on it's hot air proposals and no concrete product?

Perhaps you may also enlighten us on why an erc20 token was even needed, other than to facilitate the speculation of a service product yet to have evidence of existing, and raising a large sum of money (an amount probably more than the entire life cycle of the eventual product will actually make) from unqualified investors.

Because that's where the investors live and the BTS token distribution process doesn't offer very flexible alteratives WRT how ICO's can be structured.

In other words.. that's where the dumb money is, because any qualified investor would be sounding alarms.

Playing devils advocate, suppose the ICO was not a money grab as I claim it to be. Then given the refund of the majority of the funds raised due to the Chinese ban on ICO's, how is the project continuing to go forward?

In that case, what was the need of the money raised prior if the project is able to continue without it, if not indeed for a quick money grab?

Now, suppose you are the Yoyow team having to refund the majority of raised capital. What would be an inviting and viable way for the project to have a chance of continuing?

Well, the obvious is selling a large stake to finex on an insider deal and letting them pump the coin for profit. (It is happening as I say it)

Nice to meet you, @honeybee!

This post has been recognized as possibly undervalued compared to posts of similar length and upvotes. I will give it a thorough review soon and possibly curate it to over 1,000 in aims to raise the value of the post.

In the meantime, I have followed you and I look forward to your future posts! I hope @OriginalWorks and @steem-untalented can help you a little (I do not claim ownership).

If you happen to dislike this comment, don't worry I will happily edit it away after I have some time to give you a better review. Thank you for your kind patience and may we steem into the future!

thanks man.

I feel this ICO bubble is similar to the .com bubble

it angers me when I see projects try to reach beyond their grasp.

Flying too close to the sun... eh?


Thanks for bringing this to light, more evidence that shows Bitfinex's true colors.

Bitfinex has done much worse. But this is just one example (of many) that happens to rub me the wrong way.

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