YOYOW Project Progress Report (Dec 2018)

in #yoyo6 years ago


Development Progress:

  1. YOYOW-Middleware new repository created: https://github.com/yoyow-org/yoyow-middleware. Optimized features, provided new documentations, and fixed some of the bugs.

  2. Repositories related to https://hub.docker.com/u/yoyoworg/ have been uploaded on DockerHub.

  3. Brand new YOYOW documentation released: https://wiki.yoyow.org, organized Testnet information and description for all APIs, as well as “Exchange Integration Guide”, “Explaining Parameters and Fees” and “Platform Integration Information”, etc.

Community Updates:

  1. On Nov 22nd, YOYOW posted hiring information for expanding its development team.

  2. The YOYOW team opened the source code for its desktop wallet, mobile wallet, InfoSales module and user registration module. These codes were released under the YOYOW license agreement and were officially opened source on Nov 22nd, and has already been released on Github. Please visit the following websites for details:

Desktop wallet codes:


Mobile wallet codes:


Infosales module:


User registration module codes:


3.YOYOW joined the Gold Label Project Initiative as one of the first 100 popular projects to settle in and received verification from Binance Info.

4.Biask Updates

a. On Nov 9th, Biask orgainized an event, “Biask 11.11, Press ‘Like’ For Your Favorite Project”. The event was supported by projects including Metaverse, Loopring, Furtuna, Cybex, Coinyee, HellowEOS and IMEOS.

b. On Nov 14th, Biask and Huobi Wallet jointly organized a promotion event, giving out free HT, souvenirs and free EOS accounts, etc. The event post received 22812 views and 84 replies.

c. Biask APP upgraded to V 1.0.2, added the following new features:

  • Added content saving features in the Question, Answer and Anonymous content editing areas.
  • Adjusted the spots for “Like” and “Dislike” for better user interaction.
  • Login page added username login option.
  • Question Description area and Anonymous area added “preview picture” feature.
  • “Anonymous” area changed to “Gossip” area.
  • Other details optimization and bug fixes.

Telegram (English): https://t.me/HelloYOYOW

Telegram (中文): https://t.me/YOYOWChinese

Twitter: https://twitter.com/InfoYoyow

YOYOW Official Website: https://yoyow.org/en.html

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.21
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 69460.30
ETH 3372.77
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.74