Best crypto youtubers to get your crypto fix for the day

in #youtubers6 years ago (edited)

These are some of the crypto youtubers I like to watch on a daily matter on my way to work and why:

1 . Tevon james -

Reason: He was my first ;). not but really, contrary to what some people think, he is a smart guy , not academic smart but he knows his stuff. If you want some good not too pro trading advice you will understand his language. Also he was one of the first one to recognize steem and bitconnect as a potential hugh platforms so I give him that. But mostly, I like him because he keeps thing light and funny with some memorable catchfrazes (most famous :"dont talk to me, unless its about intengible coins, peace").

2 . Crypto bouse

The most straightforward and honest youtuber I know and trust. He will tell you the true to your face even though you wont always like it. While he was until recently only talking about lending platforms, He did it like a pro and really tried to break them down from the top to understand if they legit or not and not by chance he was the one who got to do a ceo interview with some of the best lending platforms that was out there like with ceo back on december - he knew how to ask the hard questions and recieved answers.

3 . DJ naydee

If you like to view your crypto feeds with a little bit of rhythm and music DJ naydee is for the rescue :)
but other then that he is really "to the point" kind of guy if you like to know whats the next ICO to get into and dont have time to do research , he will provide with some quick tips for the your next potential fortune and usually it will turn out good (covesting ico is a good example - almost invested there because of his recommendation and it did went up 400%)

4 . Doug Polk

I always like to follow a crypto youtubers which does thing different from others and doug Polk, while he is a new addition to my following, is that guy. Most of his stuff based on analayzing scams thats going on on the crypto sphere and he is in his best when he makes a laugh of other youtubers which promote scams as he thinks. Im not totally agreeing with his thoughts half of the times but the way he illustrates his points and the vast use of video editing and photoshop makes me interested to see what he comes up with this time.


Thanks for sharing! There are a couple on this list I haven't heard of so I'm excited to go check them out! Another crypto youtuber I'd recommend is Sunny Decree. He knows his stuff and he's very honest and transparent.

Doug Polk is my favorite. I like how he destroys the scammers and calls out people BS. He is starting to push his coins which i don't really like because it isn't his style, but whatever. Anyways @oren730 good post.
Come show some love some time on my blog.

Followed :)

Wow, I will definitely check on one or two of this guys.thanks

Wow same here dude! I really like trevon. Im just new on steemit and this guys gives us some tips on how to be successful on steemit. :)

nice post but i dont belive on tevon james

DOUG POLK is best for me ,

Big fan of Doug. He's a smart dude who knows far more about investing and business than just simply crypto-currency. His recent dismantling of the Bitconnect pushers, just before the company went under is what earned my subscription.

Is great news about youtubers, I love it.

Trevon is top 3 of mine to :)

You should follow "They Call Me Dan" he's pretty knowledgable.

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