Youtube Deleted Me For Speaking Truth!!!

in #youtubepurge6 years ago (edited)

This is a pivotal time in history. Our first and second amendments are under unprecedented attack. I knew when the term "fake news" started spreading like wildfire we were entering into a new era of The Awareness Revolution. Youtube, which is also owned by Google, has been deleting controversial channels for what seems to be political reasons. Of course, they don't tell you that.

In my case, Youtube deleted my channel by quickly gaving me 3 strikes from videos I did in the past. They said my videos violated their "harassment and bullying policy." The strikes were mostly over videos I did covering the Charlottesville protests. I spent a lot of time researching the event, and scrubbing through real footage uploaded on to Youtube. Funny enough, I came to conclusions that differed from the narrative being pushed by the mainstream media.

In one of my videos, all I did was analyze and question the photograph below. Notice how it has 2 stop signs in it. The image appears to be Photoshopped. There's a lot more questionable things about the photo too. But there's no need to get deep into it here.


So, What Now?

I've spent the last two months soul-searching and asking myself if this is really what I want to do. After all, a lot of my controversial findings aren't usually well received. I'd much rather be doing something like producing music or spending more time with my family, but I know way too much to keep all my knowledge to myself in my own head. I'm passionate about sharing what I know, and since I'm addicted to continual learning, I might as well share what I learn along the way with anyone who wants to listen.

I was mainly focusing on producing videos but now that that's over I've been thinking about where is the best place to spend my energy. Honestly, I haven't been producing any content lately. Sorry for that. But I have been spending more time with my 6 year old daughter. One of the biggest reasons I'm so upset about Youtube deleting my channel is instead of spending all that time building my Youtube channel I could have spent more time with her during those precious years I'll never get back.

I'm going to start focusing more on my podcast, at least until I get my channel reinstated or start a new one. But don't worry, I'll continue sharing my passion with you all. I just joined David Wolfe's Inner Circle to become a certified health coach, so watch for more info regarding that coming soon.

Will You Help Me?

I need your help now more than ever before, mostly for moral support to motivate me to keep going. I lost the majority of my audience, since so many people followed me on my Youtube channel, so if you've made it this far and you're still reading this, I need your help!

Here's a post I wrote giving 10 ways to help the cause without costing you a dime. However, I'll give you a few of the best ways now:

  1. Write Youtube and tell them you'd like The Awareness Revolution's channel to be reactivated again. You can contact Youtube here:

YouTube, LLC
901 Cherry Ave.
San Bruno, CA 94066
Fax: +1 650-253-0001

  1. Become a Patron and get access to exclusive content for as little as $1 a month.

  2. If you shop on Amazon go there using the URL and I'll receive a small affiliate commission on anything you purchase. Memorize it or bookmark it for future use.

  3. Consider buying my ebook, Gifts From Nature, for cutting edge health strategies that cost little-to-nothing and will transform your health naturally. Use the coupon code "ShareGifts" to get it for only $3 on my site.

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Damn that what I was scared of. Glad to see you didn't give up on us.

hey can I ask you a question, I want to start filming some youtube videos and wanted to ask you what software you used to film your video's with the screen recording and having your face in the right corner?

Welcome back after 1 month @arevolution..
Unfortunately i can't help you

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