How to become a Youtuber.

in #youtube8 years ago

The Day in the Life of a Youtuber - How to become a Youtuber

Disclaimer: I am a Youtuber. And this is for comedy and possibly educational purpose. Thank you.

G'day my name is T'uKeyan, pronouced You-Kee-in. I am a gaming youtuber from Australia or as others call it, the Land Down Unda. Due to Australia's very close to useless internet, we find it very hard to be noticed or even download a simple picture. Youtube is a painful process, by the time everyone is uploading we are still downloading the sources required to play the game. But none of the sad life of Australians, How to become a youtuber.

    Tips for the aspired newbie:

  • Don't try and make videos for cash. The network pay is very low (a couple cents per about 50 views... that is generous) you will learn that making videos for fun will be more motivating. When you begin to get paid, it will become a chore. (Studies have proven people who work for fun, are less likely to enjoy he job if they are being paid to do so)
  • You will constantly be bullied by people who just bully for the sake of it. So as a warning, either be ruthless and stand your ground or if you are a person who can't take critical feedback, this isn't the job for you. Sorry.
  • You don't have to be the greatest. Just try to put what you can into it.

Step 1 - Reconnaissance

Everyone has heard. "Doing a little recon." or avid Halo fans have heard "CAN I HAZ RECON?!" following the party member BANHAMMER. Do some research on Youtube, if it's your second home, take note of your favourite 'tubers at work. Most people (like myself) do enjoy the fun and energy that comes from Youtubers that we watch. My personal reason for Youtube was that I enjoyed people like Pewds, Mark, Jack and many more I wish not to discourage, I enjoyed their energy and I loved video games myself, best of all I love acting like an idiot which may possibly make people smile. Find what people enjoy, and if you too have any fresh ideas or wanna make a change on youtube. That is your motivation.

Step 1.5 - What videos will you make?

Now that you have some inspiration, choose your weapon. Will you be a sharp tongued Vlogger, or smartassy prankster... all in all, pranks nowa days are running around like terrorists and scaring people... the Jalals for example. You can be a gamer, a callout like our King Marcus Dibble or Lewis "Nebz" Spears, Educational and many many more. Be unique for every God sake!

Step 2 - Getting some support!

I just want to have a little rant, and place a big argument to rest for once. If you are wanting to become a gamer, don't be discouraged or angered by those people who ask "Why do you watch these people play video games, why don't you just play them."
Argument breakdown uno: Well Mr. "Go-play-it-yourself" not everyone has the ability to pull money from their rectum like you... or even have mummy and daddy's money to support us like you do.
Argument Breakdown dos: We enjoy the people who play these games for the same reason we wanna jump in. These gamers have their own reactions and opinions on games which we wanna hear, plus they have a hell of a lot of fun.
Argument Breakdown tres: Why do you watch sport... why don't you just play it? Why do you watch porn... why don't you make it with someone other than lefty and Captain Rightenshaults?
Long story short, don't be afraid to go to anyone. I never went to my parents and I was anxious to say anything to my girlfriend for the sake of being mocked. My girlfriend is one of my biggest supporters. I love her for that.

Step 3 - Setup (Camera, Mic, Computer... Etc)

Once you have chosen your ideas and you have your general plan on what you are doing. It's time a for a setup, each to their own the way you set your equipment is the way you want it. No one else.

    General Equipment

  • Camera (Filming)
  • Computer (Editting)
  • Fraps, OBS, Camtasia (Screen recording for games)

A microphone isn't really required, it's more for when you get into bigger things and you want that better sound quality. Always try your best to make do with what you have. (A phone as a camera, a family digital camera. A family computer for your editting or playing.) I am not going to give you any information about the best equipment in the business, because frankly I don't know. I am the person who spent an extra $100 dollars on a mic because I didn't like the tinniness of my voice through the mic I could have grabbed for cheaper. So please I recommend you doing your own research to choose what you like. Don't result to buying straight away, always try and work with what you have.

Step 4 - Film and Edit

This is where your stars shine. This is the time to get to record something for your channel. I don't need to tell you about this. Do learn how to use editing programs, so you aren't uploading raw footage to youtube. People only like raw when it is live footage of events, incidents and such. But your stuff ups can be uploaded as bloopers later, if you wish.

Step4.5 - The Ugly Stage

Every piece of art, whether it is a building, painting, drawing and or creations, every thing will have an ugly stage. The stage where you will lose all motivation to continue. This will be the editing process. While editing is boring and slow, it can be the moment you express the most of your creative fluids. And it is practice, and practice makes perfect.

Step 5 - The Upload

I can't tell you a whole lot about the uploading process, you have a title, description and tags and other information you shouldn't have to deal with just yet. The title think of something people will click on, but don't become a clickbait youtuber. Your description should have, your channel link, and any other links to other profile like facebook or twitter. Let alone you should be creative with a description, make it funny and captivating based around your video. Tags at the moment you should enter a few things about your video. You will learn in the future what they are.

Step 6 - Rinse and Repeat

Voila! You are on your way to becoming a youtuber.

Please come check me out, I haven't uploaded in a while, but hope to jump back on the horse and begin again. Link here Thanks for Reading. (Sorry I ran out of time to put more detail in.)

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