5 Benefits of doing good to others

in #youtube7 years ago

1.Creating Heart Comfort
When we do good to others, there is a feeling of joy, pride and comfort. Naturally, humans want to always benefit others. Even in the smallest case, like smiling, giving way to the crossers, giving alms will greatly make our hearts comfortable
2.More Self-Appreciating
Doing good to others does not only mean that we value the person, but also means we respect ourselves. Appreciate ourselves as social beings who have many friends
3.Deepening Relationships
Berbuat baik pada orang lain tentu saja akan mempererat hubungan keduanya. Akan muncul rasa saling menghargai, memberi, dan saling membutuhkan
4.Avoid Stress
People who are used to doing good to others will never feel stressed out because they tend to be happy. They have many friends who can help each other
5.Passing on the Other Good
When we do good to others, there will be feelings for other goodness. Not only that, other people who witness us do good, will also be infected to do good


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