Here's Why Youtube Rewind Sucked So Bad

in #youtube6 years ago

While I spend hours a day on Youtube, I have never before seen a "Youtube Rewind". I don't even know that I knew one existed.

I heard so much about it this year on Reddit posts about Youtube censoring comments and downvotes as well as commenting on the 7:2 downvote to upvote ratio, I just had to check it out for myself.

I anticipated seeing kind of a recap of Youtube for the year, showing various niches, etc. I would expect to see a lot of very polished videos and corporate content, but I did expect to see some videos from average users, because heck that is what Youtube is. While Youtube has gotten more corporate and while content has become a lot more polished in regards to content value, the reason many people enjoy Youtube is that it's a bit less polished and more "real" than television

So it's hosted by Will Smith which is fine, but pretty much the entire video was a music video with people I've never seen and didn't know who they were. They stopped a few minutes in to pander to Asians, Women, People with Mental Health Issues and the Gay, Lesbian, and LGBT movie, and talked about KPop and Fortnite.

Not only was the video not in any way entertaining, but it also didn't encompass what Youtube's about or really anything that happenned the last year and like everyone is saying is really just meant to appease corporate sponsors.

While I love Youtube I'm kind of into the specific stuff I'm into, I don't really follow the whole Youtube culture as a whole, if you showed me the top 10 Youtubers on the platform I probably wouldn't know a single one so I'm definitely not who this is geared towards, and I realize it's gotta be big picture stuff to appease everyone, but man was it terrible.

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