YouTube’s ‘conspiracy filter’ tags Notre Dame fire videos with 9/11 info

in #youtube5 years ago

YouTube’s “conspiracy filter” algorithm accidentally tagged livestreams of the Notre Dame Cathedral fire with an “info box” displaying a blurb about the 9/11 attacks, proving its AI isn’t very intelligent after all.

Twins, according to YouTube © Reuters / Benoit Tessier / Sean Adair

France24 and other agencies running livestreams of the blaze found YouTube had placed the offending conspiracy disclaimer below their videos, featuring a brief summary of the “official version” of the events of September 11, 2001 taken from the Encyclopedia Britannica. Unfortunately, the information was about two decades – and an entire continent – off the mark.

“We are deeply saddened by the ongoing fire at the Notre-Dame cathedral,” a YouTube spokesman said about the gaffe. “These panels are triggered algorithmically and our systems sometimes make the wrong call. We are disabling these panels for live streams related to the fire.”

YouTube claims to show “tens of millions” of anti-conspiracy text boxes to viewers every week, pulling text from sources reputable (Britannica) and not-so-reputable (Wikipedia) in an effort to debunk so-called conspiracy theories. The platform stepped up efforts to “reduce recommendations of borderline content and content that could misinform users in harmful ways” (such as “making blatantly false claims about historic events like 9/11”) earlier this year, but claimed the measure would apply to less than one percent of all YouTube videos.

As some astute Twitter users pointed out, the feature designed to squelch conspiracy theories was actually promoting them by suggesting there was a link between the events of 9/11 and the cathedral fire.





The AI's aren't as stupid, the 911 attacks hit the heart of the USA, the fire the heart of France, maybe AI learn to have human feelings..
Tuesday thoughts

Posted using Partiko Android

While there are some crazy conspiracy theories out there, should it really be up to YouTube to push the official story of anything? There have been a few cases where the "official" story has been proven wrong. Not saying that in this case...but if they start pushing the official story on things...that's a freedom of speech issue. Besides, it's clear that their propaganda AI isn't ready for prime time.

oh oh

About time RT got in the Game of the Steem Blockchain!!! Welcome to!
Sadly this stuff is actually happening. Damn banksters at it again setting and pitting the people against one another through acts of pure evil! If not them, then those they likely helped to create have done this!

Weird is the event
Where is haiku bot to save
The day from the gaff

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