Operation Boycott YouTube (ThemTube)

in #youtube7 years ago

Well, these bastards have taken it too far. They are deleting so many channels that I count on for real news, information, and entertainment it's making my head spin. This is the purge 2.0. First came the mass demonetization because we were not advertiser friendly. Now...poof, you're gone. Well, I don't even have so much as a copyright strike on my channel but due to their demonetization campaign, I find myself self-censoring and I don't like that. So, what's a brother to do? Take it and hope they don't take my channel down next? I mean, afterall, I'm not on their radar....YET. The reality is, they will eventually come for all of us untill YT is just one cat video after another. What if we did something about it? Stood tall with our community and said "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" I am boycotting YT for 30 days. No more uploads and no more watching videos on that platform. But, I'm only one man. They won't notice if I'm not there. But, what if...what if we as a community tell YT to stick it? I will pist 1 more video on YT making my campaign to rage against their machine then I'm gone. I will upload to dtube/steemit and minds. I hope you join me in this campaign. I want freedom. Free speech is a very important right and we are seeing it slip away in our "free society" Are we going to take it lying down? Not me. I will also stop using Google as my search engine. I'll use duck duck go or something else. We have alternatives. Let's use them. Vote with our wallets and hurt them where they'll notice it. Any store that infringes on my second amendment right is not going to receive my business. Any company that infringes on my first amendment right is not going to get my business. Let's not stand by and do nothing. Are you with me? Share this. #OPERATIONBOYCOTTYOUTUBE


I'm perfectly willing to vote with my wallet against youtube and google!

Also, I love the idea of your posting a last video on youtube just to "rage against their machine"!

CrapTube, I mean YouTube suspended my gaming channel last year when I did nothing wrong. No copyright or community guideline strikes. YouTube dug their own grave when they first started to demonetize videos that weren't "ad friendly"

I agree. This all started in October of 2016 for me. My channel was growing quickly and then I hit a wall. I wasn't advertiser friendly I guess. Then they just demonetized a bunch of my videos for no apparent reason. They weren't political or anything. At some point, the people have to do something about it or everything they don't like us saying/doing will just disappear.

I miss the old YouTube from like 2010

Morning OGN you know what I really hope that this nazi'ism by screwtube comes back and hits them right where it hurts. What I am going to do is still watch the creators I subscribe to... Who are ether the folks I subscribe to patron on because I am supporting their creativity financially and if they were not producing content for patron then I would question myself if I would want to financially support them or not and then there are the channels that are not in the sphere of the Alt news, preparedness etc and they still deserve my support

What I will do is if channels have ads in them then I won't be watching that will be pre vid ads or mid vid ads

I don't know if there are enough folks to make a change but if screwtube get enough people pissed off then at some point enough becomes enough and a revolt happens screwtube thinks it's the king taxing us little people in many ways well things will change for them it may take time but it will change and a new better phoenix will grow from the ashes but until then I hope that some brave souls take
screwtube to court and be the founding fathers of a new free speech video era with no nazi censorship

Anyhoos that's my thoughts and waffle


Thanks Jaggy. At the end of the day, if we don't show up, they don't exist. There has to be a live and let live mentality from them. So far, I don't see them letting live.

I took my channel down quite a while ago. As a newer channel I was battling with them to get monetized and the demonetization made it impossible to get going. I just went back to blogging. I guess a homemaking and homeschooling mom wasn't good enough for Youtube.
Their loss. Sadly a lot of the channels I enjoyed are gone and many more are dumping youtube. I've lost touch with many, and with the ones going to patreon, I can't afford to follow more than a few so I lose touch with them also. I'm working to become Google free, but it will take a little time.

Sorry to hear that but, I'm afraid that with their policies, it will keep many new channels from ever coming onboard and the community suffers. It's amazing how much Google has gotten into our lives. We have willingly accepted it but now their in. Email, YT, search, etc. I am also working to de-googlize.

I can't figure out how to upload videos on this site...it only gives me a place to write articles on my blog. Any help you can give is appreciated.

I posted a written rant today because got stomach bug and not in shape to tape but want input on it @ my beer pocketbook

That perplexed me for a bit too. You can upload to another site...bitchute, YT, Vimeo, etc. and include the link where you are writing your "blog". That will make it so you can see the video on the platform that you uploaded to through Steemit. You can also create a Dtube account which is Steemit's version of YT. I have had issues with Dtube so far and haven't been able to upload content. Plenty of people are doing it so it's clearly user error, I think. Hope that helps.

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