YouTube SEO Complete Guide

in #youtube7 years ago (edited)

 youtube video seo
YouTube is one of the most popular Video servers on the InternetWe all probably already know that YouTube is the world’s second largest  search engine with huge untapped traffic source

Fact: YouTube gets over 30-40 million visitors per day
Today we are going to discuss everything there is about YouTube SEO and how to rank your video on the top

Step 1: YouTube "Keyword Research"

Keywords: Keywords are basic raw material used in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Keyword selection or Keyword Research as it is called technically, where we use special tools to find out a list of Keywords (search terms) searched by targeted audience by use of search engines, recently. Keyword can be single word, two or three words, multiple words and theme based.
Read more: Different kinds of Keywords 

Like anything in SEO, the YouTube SEO process starts with keyword research.
Your goal is to find keywords that is relevant to that of the video you have created ,this terminology is called as   “Video Keywords”.
Unlike other search engines Google search engine result page has a slot reserved for YouTube videos for video keywords
Example: The search result for "how to make bread" in which the top two results are reserved for YouTube videos

In general, Google web search result page uses video results for these types of keywords:

  • How-to keywords 
  • Reviews
  • Tutorials 
  • Anything fitness or sports related 
  • Funny videos 

Why is this important?
let’s say that you optimize the video around a "video keyword" that doesn’t have any video results in Google search result page.In this case, you will only get traffic from people searching on YouTube.
But when you optimize the Video Keywords for both YouTube and search result page, you’will get targeted traffic to the video from the both
How to Find Video Keywords
The most easiest way to find video keywords is by using Google ad-word keyword planner ,it gives you all the analytically data for the keyword you are particularly searching for
Once you have found a "Video Keywords", it’s important  to check if there’s enough search volume of  that particular keyword.
Just make sure that your target keyword gets at least 700  searches per month in Google

Why 700 searches per month?
If a keyword has least 700 searches per month, then you can be sore to get a decent amount of searches within YouTube itself And if you can get the video to be rank top in Google, then a lot of those 700+ monthly searches in which the video will be seen
That means you will  get more high-quality traffic to your video,as well as your site.

Step 2: Make Your Video (Mind Blowing)

Like anyother business, the more you put into your video, the more you’ll get out of it.
The  most important aspect is the video quality the more the qulity of the video better the signs of getting higher ranked, If your video sucks, it won’t rank no matter how well is your SEO.
They judge your video’s based on quality,how people interact with it,User Experience Metrics That YouTube Uses

YouTube determine the quality of your video based on the below conditions:

*.Video retention: The percentage of your video people tend to watch
1. Comments: If people comment, they probably enjoyed the video
2. Subscribes after watching: If someone subscribes to your channel after watching your video that sends a signal that you have an amazing video.
3. Shares: How many people share your videos on social media sites like Twitter Google+,Facebook.
4. Thumbs up/Thumbs down: If you want to see how your videos are performing, you can see user experience data in your YouTube Analytics:If you make a video which is of high info and qulity  you are much more likely to get more views, likes, comments and all the things that YouTube likes to see in a video.
IMPORTANT: Make Your Video At Least 5-Minutes Long
More likely longer videos ranks better
Example: If you search in YouTube for the keyword “WordPress”, 3 out of the 4 top videos are an hour long.
So give important s to the length of the videosDon’t worry about your videos being too long. If it’s awesome, people WILL watch it.

Step 3: Upload Your Video Keeping SEO in Mind

Here’s how to extract the most SEO value out of your video.
1. Video Filename: Make sure to use the keyword in the video’s filename.
Example: if you wanted to rank ur video for the keyword “WordPress Tips”, you would want to name the video wordpress_tips_video.mp4.

2. Video Title:The title of the video should least be 5-words long. so that it can include your full keywords of that particular video
Example: My How to create a free website or a blog video’s title consist of 5 words 2 of  words are which are my target keywords

TIP: Use your keyword at the beginning of the title,this tends to give you more important sSo if you were trying to rank the videos for “Blogging tutorial” you would want a title like: “Blogging Tutorial: How to change your Header”.
3. Description: videos description is one of the most important.
Because YouTube,Google  can’t “listen” to videos that you upload so, they rely on your text description that you enter to determine ur videos content,to find out what is the video is all about.
Here are the basic guidelines for the description:

  • Put your link at the very top of the video description
  • Include your your keyword in the first 25 words
  • Make the description at least 250-words long
  • Include your keyword 3-4 times in the description 
  • This SEO-optimized description helps tell Google and YouTube that what ur video is about 

4. Tags:
Tags also are super-important they help the search engine to sort the videos ,Just include a few keywords to help YouTube and Google learn  more what ur  video is about and you can include about 50 tags which is aloud
Targeted tags not only help you to rank for your target keyword but they also get you to you show up more often as a related videos in the sidebar area of YouTube:

Once you are complete and  done,just  “Save Changes” go live!



YouTube is an amazing search engine platform. If you have any sort of online business getting it on YouTube is essential. I wrote a great book called YouTube Takeover that can help you learn to make money on YouTube.

Thank you,
Spencer Coffman
SpencerCoffman eBooks

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