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RE: One of the reasons why we need a decentralized video platform...

in #youtube7 years ago

While I hate YouTube, its copyright infringement protection features are pretty helpful sometimes. For example, in this case. And sadly, this isn't the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, or sixth time I've had to use it. The video in the OP was from someone who literally took the time to rip mine and @robrigo 's video from youtube, reupload it on their channel, and then spread it around ultimately trying to steal our street-cred. That isn't cool, that's plagiarism. I don't/didn't like that as I'm sure no one else would either. No credit was given, no link to the original, nothing. It was "hey guys, check out my video (that really isn't my video)!"

We saw this happening after we traveled across the country, captured everything we could about EOS as it happened in order to bring the info to the community, then some guy comes along and tries to steal your legwork. So I said to myself "fuck that." And I filed a legitimate claim. It worked out.


reupload it on their channel, and then spread it around ultimately trying to steal our street-cred.

What Facebook users have done for years now and gotten away with.

Except on facebook you arent personally capitalizing on it, you're helping a multi- billion dollar corporation capitalize on it, and you.

Some uploaders do get revenue from it though. I've made a post about it a long time ago, but basically. They find a video on youtube - re-upload it to facebook with small edits, it goes viral and burns and crashes soon after. The "stealer" makes some comission while facebook makes the most, then if the original uploader notices it and reports it its already too late. No penalty for the person who stole it cause facebook has their own video player so they gain a lot from it, while the original content creator gets almost nothing and the attention to the video is lost shortly after. Has happened many times and facebook just doesn't care.

Yeah, it's pretty lame :-/. Too bad for them their current business model is already crumbling!!!

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