Crazy Vegan YouTube Shooter

in #youtube6 years ago (edited)

I'm sure everyone knows this chicks story by now, although there's an ongoing investigation into the YouTube shooters motives, one quick look at Google images you can tell that this bitch was just crazy


Nasim Aghdam was an Iranian YouTuber living in California. She wasn't happy with YouTube's monetization policy so she took matters into her own hands. Luckily she was only able to hurt a few people before she killed herself. Sadly when crazy goes bad they don't just off themselves they lash out at others too.


YouTube has since removed this ladies videos but there's still a few floating around on the internet and ofcourse lots of screen grabs. Most clearly show this woman was a bit off..


A vegan protesting against cruelty towards animals that goes and shoots humans she doesn't even know at a business not directly affecting her whatsoever..that's crazy

Her parents tried to warn police about her but noone thought this ho would go John Rambo up in YouTube's HQ

This chick didn't even have enuff subscribers to make YouTube's monetization cutoff but is so disturbed that she can't make $2 a month from Adsense that she camps out in a car for two days then goes and shoots some people she doesn't know..crazy

The sad part is, she could have uploaded her videos to Dtube and made more money on Steemit without the censorship. Ah's too late now

Thanks for reading,




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Yeah it’s very sad that this crazy bitch did not discover dtube, or maybe she did hear about it and brushed it off like most people do. Guess they have to wait for something to be mainstream before they jump on board🤷🏻‍♂️

The world is full of crazy people!!! Really... mentally deranged people. I get scared, at times, with the PMs I receive on YouTube. And even while I stopped uploading, they keep coming!

Bitch was a little off kilter eh !!!!!

Plus, there is no "DTube offices" to shoot up. Bwahaha.

Man, I hadn't seen any images of her yet.
Thanks for doing some research for me!

Would be interesting to check out any vids she had posted

Some things are best left unsaid. So I will not say all the vile and terrible things that this woman represents, but I will say that this is what happens when you can't laugh at yourself in the real world. Without joy and a sense of humor all that is left is hate and self loathing. This is the result. Thanks for sharing brother!

Those eyebrows though! 😂

I am extremely interested in the character of this particular shooter, Nasim Aghdam. -- She does seem to have been a narcissist, defined from the ancient greek parable of Narcissus who fell in love with his own reflection and has lived on in name through the plant genus narcissus which includes the familiar flower known as the Dafodill (Image and info sourced from wikipedia)

On the other hand, I find her compassion for animals admirable. While most people in the states are complacent in contributing their dollar to the animal holocaust, she spent much of her time and resources trying to advocate for animal compassion. A outline of her character from the view of animal advocacy is linked here on a website called

Beyond this I can certainly see that a shooting at youtube was the opposite of compassionate, had absolutely nothing to do with animals and was all about drawing attention to herself, her character and her image. This is exactly pathological of her narcissism despite the fact that according to she claimed (in the Farsi language) to have no ‘specific physical or mental illness,’ but said she lives “in a planet that is filled with illness, and disorder and perversion and injustice.”

It is important to note however that, while she did fire many shots and injure a few people, her incident of terror did not have a body count. No body died by her hands which cannot be said for those who participate to the industries of animal testing, meat, fur, eggs and dairy that kill and torture millions of animals.

nasim aghdam animal test.jpgmeat is murder nasim.jpg

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