The YouTube Purge of 2018 is Real

in #youtube6 years ago

Last week my YouTube channel of 5 years "Unraveling The Matrix" was terminated. The channel had been up and running with no strikes of any kind until last Monday. YouTube has hired 10,000 'trusted flaggers" to go through and flag videos with content they believe is in violation of the "community guidelines". Last week dozens of channels were hit and terminated falsely. I was one of them. It has become known that the SPLC, a "hate group" is part of the trusted flaggers that were hired recently. They are targeting "conspiracy theory" channels. The videos I had flagged were in no way violating the terms. They are out to ban conspiracy channels and they have the power to do so. They even brag about it in the main stream news. In fact, only a portion of my videos were conspiracy theory.

It started with the Parkland School shooting. They where flagging any video with the term "crisis actor" in it. They say this is "harassment and bullying". The MSM started showing all the videos on YouTube with "crisis actors" and their message was "how dare you" call them an actor. These people have since become the face of the gun control movement. They are now in the news everyday used to push an agenda.

Most of us on YouTube have studied the guidelines and are well aware that what we are showing and saying is in no way violating them. They simply don't like conspiracy theory. The people put into position as "super flaggers" have the ability to pull any video for any reason at any time and they are using this to their advantage. To silence the far-right, the alt-right, conspiracy theory and much more. This is just the beginning of what they will do if they are left unchecked.


Great post
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