Join fitinfun on You Tube Pinterest Twitter and Bonus Canva Info

in #youtube7 years ago (edited)

fitinfun you tube steemit.jpg

All of these posters are thumbnails for videos and playlists on you tube. These are Canva projects I made out of my photos and with free Canva do-dads. No money was spent in the creation of these masterpieces of Social Media Marketing. It's easy for me and I like doing it. Whether or not I have talent is up to the viewer. Posters drive traffic no matter how bad - so there's that.

The group of Canva posters for You Tube thumbnails in this post is what I have downloaded from Canva recently for You Tube. They are not all posted on the videos yet.

Here's a link to my fitinfun You Tube Playlists so you can see these and many more. You can also see all the ones I haven't done yet. Goals!!!

Please visit my fitinfun You Tube Channeland like, subscribe and share. I will most definitely get you back!

I have many more You Tube Thumbnails I'm working on. These are the ones that got done to this stage and did not move on yet. Those with left orientation are for the playlists and those in the center are for videos.

Remember these are much smaller on You Tube and need to stand out!

fitinfun You Tube Thumbnails for You Tube Videos and Playlists by Canva

fitinfun you tube Swim underwater.png

you tube  thumbnail Underwater swimming.png

fitinfun you tube Breathing Spirometer.png

My photo for the background

Blurred Brightness.jpg

It's definitely not water but it can look like it is.

Blurred Brightness is for sale at my artist's website in many forms

What is Edema and how to fix it

fitinfun you tubeEdema Home Remedy.png


you tube  thumbnail Soak your feet 2.png

fitinfun you tubeSoak your feet 1.png

fitinfun you tube Soak your feet 2.png

you tube  thumbnail Soak your feet.png

Tattoo Health Info

fitinfun you tube Tattoo health info.png

I’m not a fan of tattoos due to my health and the people I work on who have health problems from them. Here is the fitinfun You Tube playlist where I try to help those in need. The top video tells people they can still do dry skin brushing because that is what people want to know the most now. The rest is just stuff I came up with by research for a friend who had issues.

Urban Gardening

Some of us only dream of what you get to do off grid. This is what I did to cultivate sprouts and dandelions on land the city and my landlord weren't using. Neither of them spent any money on pesticides or fertilizer so I felt like I got some great food out of it. I hope my seeds still live on as I definitely seeded the area!

you tube  thumbnail Urban Gardening.png

Travel starting in Bangkok

fitinfun you tube Wandering Bangkok Sutthisan mrt.png

MRT Sutthisan Area Bangkok

you tube  thumbnail MRT Sutthisan.png


fitinfun you tubeScottevest Playlist.png

Vientiane Laos

you tube  thumbnail you tube  thumbnail.png

Oh! This girl! Ack! Redo!!!!

fitinfun you tube Touring Vientiane playlist.png

And then me - even worse. I need an editor!

Health and Weight Loss

you tube  thumbnail Parents lose weight.png

Nothing on fitinfun would be possible if i still weighed 275 pounds

It saved my life to lose weight and you can do it too.

fitinfun you tubeTrack Weight Loss Success.png

My Son's fight is PTSD because of my obesity

So this is all about that

fitinfun you tube Fight ptsd naturally.png

Join other steemers on twitter

I’m on twitter with some other steemers and you should come too. Twitter is working great for steemit promotion.

Please join fitinfun if you are on twitter. You will be instantly connected to other steemers and we are retweeting and getting traffic!

Do Better on Twitter.png

fitinfun You tube stats on a good day

You Tube traffic sources May 2017 got on suggested videos.PNG

This is what happened when I worked on my channel and released my Laos videos at the same time. People like them. I still get better results on You Tube from this push. I improved my keywords, titles and descriptions and promoted the videos on many other social media platforms. Then I got on You Tube suggested videos and everything improved from there. Now it's fallen off a bit but steemit and simbi and other places are driving traffic now.

Don't forget I do You Tube coaching. hmu :)

Tips for making You Tube Thumbnails on Canva

Only 1-5 words on each. Three words have to be big. Some of mine fail but I'm using them anyway because they made it this far maybe.

Make two+ posters for each playlist

First for all playlists:

A general title with left orientation. You have to put the thumbnails on your video first and then you can use it for the header of the playlist.

So, use this left centered media file on one of the first 3 videos of the playlist and then choose it to be the thumbnail of the playlist and now it all looks better.

Next for all playlists:

Then make a few posters on the same theme with centered text for the most popular videos on the playlist and do those too if you can and have time - make them next. Most other videos and can be repetitive. It's better if they have punch. See Jon Morrow for headline help.

Join fitinfun on Pinterest for a lot of You Tube Tips by helpful people.

And here is fitinfun Pinterest help on Canva

fitinfun join you tube steemit.png

Nothing at fitinfun would be possible if i still weighed 275 pounds. Anyone can lose weight if I did.

Sharon fitinfun before after.jpg

I have nominated this post for the #minnowsfaucet VIP List, vote for my post here @minnowsfaucet


Is this a #steemgig? I'm not seeing any reference to an offer or request. Just trying to sort through the posts on this tag

Well, it is meant to be testing the waters - are there rules for this tag - I would definitely like to post in it. I have multiple many things to offer, but I was not really sure how to go about it. This was just a post to start figuring out and I have not gotten any clearer since then. Nice of you to go through - any advice appreciated.

The #steemgigs and #steemgig tags were started by @surpassinggoogle as an alternative to freelancing sites like fiverr.

It's meant to be a place to offer or request products or services from other steemians.

Well - I'm offering so I guess I am in the right place :)

This is just perfect!

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