5 YouTube Channels I Love Watching

in #youtube7 years ago

What people watch for entertainment purposes or educational ones speaks a lot about a person’s passions, desires, what they have done, where they want to go. While these might not be all things someone intends to set out in the world and conquer themselves it’s an interesting reflection to think about. While other times, thinking like this is just overthinking as people do just love things that their life does not have in them and often for good reason.


Pexels edit with Lunapic

I have not had a tv in my room for over 15 years now. I just find it boring, covered in advertisements, filled with a bunch of fake drama which I question who has time for it when life often presents its own drama often daily. So, for a while now I do tend to use things like YouTube for news, entertainment, and education.

Pure Living for Life

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If you have ever had the idea that you just go buy land and build a house; well, that what these two are doing. It’s not a how-to channel, in fact, they often joke how much they must make exports in the field cringe by how they do things.

It’s an interesting struggle just by the pure size of the project. Things always fall behind schedule, cost more than they need, machines break down, things have to be redone. At the end of it, they built for the day something towards their goal of building a house. Often times taking a few videos just to get something like their ICF walls done!

They often share their thoughts on what they messed up, processes on buying tools and doing the labor themselves then just paying for the labor and a bunch of other things I find interesting.

Now, will I go and do such a crazy thing myself? Well no my logical bran would put a stop to that! Outside of hanging sheetrock, painting, putting up internal walls, and landscaping tasks such as installing a lawn, building plant beds and other things. I know it’s just too much work, money, and time. Nevertheless, I find myself almost turning in daily to watch their newest video.


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This is one of those channels I get to geek out about when I watch. I just love partial science and seeing it in action. It’s always one thing I think schools need to focus more on. What can you do with all this stuff you learn? Textbooks are well just bad at presenting this as it often requires hands-on experience to get the true depth of things.

Cody’sLab has a very wide range of things, from him mining in his own mine, tearing up his entire lawn and planting a food garden, him taking care of beehives, and the endless experiments he does along the way. A few of these things he was done makes me want to go out and do them as well. Expect, well the neighbors and the city would probably come after me if I tore up the lawn and turn into an outdoor hydroponics system for vegetables! Granted this is not the first time I’ve had such an idea and it won’t be the last.

I often find the refining process such as the video link of him turning rock into iron practical and interesting. Now how useable was his end result? Not the best. Still, it’s on my do to list one day to try the refining process and maybe even some blacksmithing if I ever find myself with an absorbance of disposable income.


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Another channel where yes I am starting to look like a geek! I love computers; they often do not love me but its ok I forgive them. Its channels like these that got me to put together my pc, stay involved in technology and helps keep me informed of what is coming down the pipeline.
Their Level1 News which is a weekly thing keeps me excited for the future while also keeping me in check with the downfalls of it as well. I don’t’ watch a lot of news but this is one of the places that keeps me more up to date on things than people who make a living in the tech industry. Sure they get things wrong sometimes and make corrects on their next new video and their references to bitcoin I sometimes do laugh a bit at.

I do watch some of their other videos from time to time as well. Even found them helpful enough to resolve an issue or problem in a way I did not think was possible. They just speak in a way to my soul that other review tech channels just can’t.


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Somewhere between MacGyver and Adam Savage in a way are this crazy individual and his channel Colinfurze. I have only found this channel back a few weeks and I’m enjoying every moment of it.

Who has not thought about strapping some rocks to their bike and having a bit of fun? Well, I have! Now 1k of them? NO thanks, I prefer to remain in one piece at end of the day. Still exciting to watch.

Even more so when you have no idea what this crazy person has in store for his viewers next. Everything from making working weapons from movies, to doing silly things with a car like turning into a hot tub on wheels. The maker in me just appreciates seeing these creatures come alive and I’ll admit I enjoy watching it more than Tested(https://www.youtube.com/user/testedcom)

Urban Farmer Curtis Stone

YouTube link

Back to my desire to rip up the lawn and put in beds and rows of vegetables. The neighbors would surely think I’ve finally lost it and I’m sure family members would try and have me committed to the looney bin!

Between the struggles, successes, howtos, and even thoughts and decision-making made on his urban farm this is well another channel I could see me doing a lot of things in it. He grows a few different things currently but he is downsizing his selection even more into specializing for next year.

One of the things I have on my todo list one day is trying out growing microgreens. I still have a bit of research to do. While I have watched many of his videos on it there some differences between where he lives in Canada and where I am in Florida. Most notability different brands and quality in supplies along with our heat and humidity.

I think everyone should have access to cheap and healthy non-chemical injected foods. Growing your own microgreen flats is one way to go about it. Granted they have their limiters to what should be grown on them but there is a very large assortment of microgreens that are suited for this type of growing method.

Burning Question

answer you must.jpg

Pexels edit with Lunapic

What are the top 5 YouTube channels you enjoy watching?


This is top 5 YouTube channels I enjoy and I have written this blog.

Citations where provided where needed.


Pexels edit with Lunapic


Pure living life is awesome! I hope to get my channel up there one day! :D

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