Break Up With Youtube

in #youtube6 years ago

Why Did U Leave YouTube?

Like an ex-girl or boyfriend who has definitively ruined what once was a promising relationship with a wonderful start and compelling potential, YouTube has ruined the relationship between their user and platform with the character of a sociopathic spouse whose madness has been revealed.

We should be Triggered
YouTube was once magical in its potential, the ultimate platform for fostering and demonstrating human innovation and creativity. But as the platform, content and political world evolved, YouTube became an abusive partner.

Suddenly YT wanted to censor what we could watch and what we could say...
And with that YouTube started its transformation from friend into monster, from fascinating and fun into something unrecognizable and disturbing, something sane people no longer want anything to do with...

I dont think you or i are sane, but do give some credit for trying.

My 3 Reasons

YouTube, Twitter and FB are selectively, disturbingly anti-free speech. The first time i clearly experienced this censorship was on YouTube. I found a video by Tara McCarthy which clearly, calmly and cogently explaining "pedogate" aka "pizzagate". Although the video was a rational presentation of facts surrounding a very disturbing controversy with lots of circumstantial evidence, it and many other videos on the topic, were soon after taken down by YT using the then just-coined:

"Fake News"
This and much more revealed that YT was not only policing content, but surveilling with a specific and very disturbing agenda...

While YT pursued and financially punished content creators with gotcha-algorithms that supposedly enforced capricious "community guidelines" we learn YT has an infestation of bizarre, pedographic videos permeating their site, an issue they plead all ignorance of, despite those effective algorithms that define their censorship...

Being a gross corporation YT is making the platform gross by corporatizing its business and commercializing its culture, this stars:

  1. gross commercialization promoting YT as the next TV and
  2. gross mistreatment of content creators

So I Try To Remember

With barest excuses YouTube has declared itself anti-free speech and pro- divisive identity politics. If your reading this you are likely pro-free speech and know that free-speech is critically connected to free thought and free life. You probably also know that we are being assailed by insidious identity politics and these ideological assualts are growing so...

Wish You Success


Definitely pro free speech and while I am appalled at the level of censorship and over commercialization of those platforms, I still have an use them, however I don't utilize them as much as I do alt-tech like Steemit, Weku, Minds, and various other tidbits here and there that follow along the lines of the deep web that I'm not getting into.

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