The Truth About H3H3, WSJ, & YouTube - 1791L Need Your HelpsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #youtube7 years ago (edited)

This Youtuber Need Your Help

This video by 1791L (another one of my favorite youtuber). He produce incredible pieces of content that is not only thought provoking but also incredibly entertaining.

Now, in his video, "We need your help" he talks about how the advertising revenue from his video was drastically affected by the latest Youtube Advertising controversy.

Steemit is a blockchain powered social media and not only are we censhorship resistant but we also solve the content monetization issue.

Hopefully 1791L will be checking out this article and open an account where he can fund his channel by posting on


This can result in swicthing of platform, that costs we have to earn the reputation again.

@cryptoctopus @redpill following you hope you return the favor and up-vote my comments

I just don't understand. We all are to stupid to get some money out of YT and we easy find out about steemit. And all those smart and successful guys who milking YT for years can't find out about steemit. Are they really so smart? Weird. Why we need to drag them in ?

Because we want as much people as possible on the platform.

YouTubers are perfect, they came with an audience and they have money to invest in Steem if they like it.

I'm all about helping Youtubers. Here's one that still needs our help: Justin Woolee

thanks will check it out

If I am able to host my videos here I think I would do that honestly. Problem is, I still need Youtube for video hosting.

KennyCrane KennyCrane tweeted @ 06 Apr 2017 - 00:20 UTC

#steemit is the place to be, NOW! it is like the early days of YouTube, a great community!…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

I remember the old days when people uploaded videos to Youtube for nothing but fun.

And 1791L still doesn't go far enough.

What are all the highly paid people in the large advertising firms do with their time? Do they create ads? No, their number one job is to make sure that particular brands are not placed along side certain subjects.

Like McDs and drugs. You don't see them together.

Advertising is not a free-for-all. It is not a highest bidder competition. It is a psychological operation. And, everything you are watching unfold now was planned.

The thing that was not planned was independent creators coming along and doing news better then the big news companies, while simultaneously people started seeing through the bullshit that MSmockinbirdM propaganda.

I believe the problem is that the word of Steemit has not reached enough people. Or it has not reached them in an impactful way. I would be willing to fund a comprehensive Steemit ad campaign with the percentage of my STEEM. Would you?

I wouldn't. My job is in marketing and I can tell you that right now it's a fool's errand. First, we need to simplify the sign up process. The conversion rate on the front end are abysmal. It's a 9 step process...ridiculous. (once people are in, people stick around though)

Also, I would wait until communities are implemented. We can't curate 100,000 articles a day when we only have a single "bucket" for hot, new & trending. Just give it a month or two and this thing will be able to scale...right now, it just can't in my opinion.

Valid points. Can't argue there.

We should at least get to follow and mute tags, communities can be created around that feature.

Help them to come over, not to save YouTube

is this the guy who typed his password in the username box?

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