Youtube is the worst

in #youtube5 years ago

Youtube always has issues with it's copyright system and such, but I have been sitting here for a week with a false community strike that I do not deserve, and Youtube is ignoring my requests to appeal. I wouldn't be nearly as frustrated by this if Youtube would respond to me but they are radio silent. Anytime I appeal a copyright claim they are right there to respond, lift the claim ,etc. HOWEVER. I have one video that makes a couple of remarks about why Youtube is failing as a platform and I'm being ignored. This strike affects me. It affects my views, it affects my channel, and it brings me closer to having my entire channel removed. It's such bullshit because I know I'm being ignored because I don't make Youtube money. I don't advertise or make 10 minute algorithm happy, brain dead content. I'm so fucking livid bout this entire situation because Youtube has no real support. The best I've been able to do is appeal the video, and make numerous attempts of contact through Twitter and the feedback system but nothing is working.

So thanks Youtube, for treating me like shit and making my life as a content creator an actual hell.

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