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RE: No more comments section on Youtube soon?

in #youtube5 years ago

Not if you include Non-violent communication in with it. Then there is no verbal or psychological abuse. I agree however that many people do not act physically aggressive but communicate in abusive ways, and that is not ok.


Passive-aggressiveness is an oppressive behaviour that doesn't have to relate with verbal or psychological abuse.

Actually, passive aggressive behaviour, depending on the way it is written or spoken, can be emotional, verbal or even psychological abuse. It is a form of abuse.

Posted using Partiko Android

That's what I said. We're on the same page, then.

You are suggesting that the Non-Aggression Principle is the same as passive-aggressive behaviour, which, in principle, it cannot be since NAP excludes all forms of aggression.

Non-Aggression Principle is the same as passive-aggressive behaviour

It shouldn't be, but it is, which is why I'm stricly against NAP. It just passes itself off as something politically correct.

And now we're back at the beginning of the conversation.

2 days ago
NAP is just passive-aggressive behaviour passing itself off as something politically correct.

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