@fulltimegeek made a Youtube Comment and it was just featured by a major Channel, theHub, with almost 1 million subscribers, on a trending video about Ideal Park Car Lift underground garage. We should all promote steem like this!

in #youtube6 years ago


So I was watching Youtube and I couldn't believe what I just saw! One of @fulltimegeek 's youtube comment's promoting steemit at 2:58 on this channel named theHUB with 937K Subscribers,
@fulltimegeek wrote "My favorite was the one man copter from the Farm properties ... I'm looking forward to the shout out :) ... Also would you guys happen to be on STEEMIT ? "

It was an amazing synchronicity for me to see this comment, I recognized his profile pic and got excited to realize STEEM world was Bleeding over into YOUTUBE world! So anyway here is the link to the video I saw fulltimegeek comment featured at 2:58

And here is the Disapearing Car Garage company , called IDealPark Car lift - Here is their video

And I am just so proud of our Steemian here @fulltimegeek for doing what we should do every time we WATCH a youtube video. We should leave a comment that is relevant and mention Steem or Steemit like @fulltimegeek did so perfectly here! He got featured on a video which I am sure will get 100s of thousands if not millions of views very soon. It is a very well made video from The Hub so I already know it will succeed, the channel has just 63K subs from 1 million subscribers, and it will definitely help spread the steemit name. If I just caught it I imagine other steemians will. We should all be using free unpaid traffic to create our own organic advertising and promotions for steemit and steem bloickchain like @fulltimegeek did here! Always promote steemit.com or busy.org or dlive.io in all of your youtube video's you watch, you can always leave a comment so always promote steem wherever you can! Imagine tens of thousands of us out there promoting steem everyday, it would have an incredible effect over time. Anyway Thanks again to @fulltimegeek and its an incredibly small world that I actually caught this! - Posted via @steepshot app using https;//alpha.steepshot.io Backup Web Interface.

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Broooooo, I saw the YouTube video, the underground park is awesome, the drainage and that US tech is mad, they have a good reason for hiding it for years.
Nice one man.


It is great to see that the comment made by @fulltimegeek got feature by a major channel theHub, which by giving it alot of views . I myself have been promoting steemit on my Facebook and Twitter pages to my friends and followers, and also through word of mouth also.

It is something all of us should put hands together to promote so as to 'getS more people to become members of this great steemit platform @ackza

This is exactly the kind of promoting we need in steemit

Awesome youtube channel give new parking style
Kept it up friend


This is great!!!

I have stumbled on thehub on YouTube some couple of times before my steemit journey.
They have a very large and highly interactive subscribers.

Nice one @fulltimegeek

Yes, that's really an great action, and the important thing is many YouTube Content Creators are creating awesome content but still their monetization is not on and they are struggling really hard. My cousin brother is also an Youtuber and he also facing the same issue but i advised him and let him know about the Steemit, Dtube and Dlive and he is excited to join this exciting world. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

Wow..this is so beautiful and amazing..steem needs the world's attention more than ever..thanks @ackza

You are constantly trying to write a lot of good content. I think your content is really good and you have written a lot of inspirational things in this community. These are the words that you have written about youtube and steemit, which really are worth the praise and your style of writing.

oh its so great
congrates @fulltimegeek

I want a garage like this! But wow looks very fancy: 3

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