How to Look Younger: 5 Secrets !!

in #younger6 years ago (edited)

5DDEC99C-7E54-4497-ADDE-77616F1E19DD.jpegDo you think you look older than you feel? If you improve your appearance, you'll feel better, too.

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Smile, wide!

Young, middle-aged, and older individuals studied thousands of photographs and were asked to guess the age of models with various facial expressions. Neutral expressions yielded the most accurate results, and fearful expressions made subjects look older; happy faces were rated as younger than they really were.

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Eat more grapes.

Sorbitol, which gives grapes, berries, plums and pears their sweetness, is a humectant, a substance that attracts water when applied to the skin, helping it absorb and retain moisture.

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Touch up your hair.

Use volumizing styling products as your hair becomes thinner, and try a lighter color, which can make thinning less obvious. Whether you have your hair washed at home or at a salon, use deep conditioning treatments regularly to combat dryness.

Frame your face.

Keeping your eyebrows well-groomed and shaped helps provide a frame for your face and draws attention to your eyes.

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Cleanse and moisturize your skin.

Cleaning and moisturizing helps protect skin and keep it healthy; but banish regular soap, which can be drying for older skin. Instead, use a cleanser that gently washes without stripping skin of moisture. Avoid skin toners, especially those with a stringent or alcohol base. Use a good moisturizer day and night.

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