Yogi & Meditation

in #yogi6 years ago (edited)

The meditation has to be done with the intent in mind and mental focus, not mindlessly just doing it. One has to first have understanding of the basic rudimentary spiritual principals and fundamentals before going into deep meditation, otherwise what are they going to meditate on without proper knowledge.

There are two main types of the meditation: the focused investigative meditation, such as the scientific inquiry, and observant, monitoring meditation, such as quieting the mind to observe the body breathing and doing its thing.

The three states of yogi will direct your attention to what the current state one is in. The first level is basic child-like state of awareness, where the subject is effected by the external factors, for example, if it rains then I feel sad. This intro level is indicated by the conversations about the people, animals, fantasies, themselves and others.

The second level of yogi is when one knows who one is through regular reminder by way of meditation and focus, thus not being effected by the external weather and circumstances as much as the entry level yogi, however this intermediate state requires one to be diligent and disciplined in their practice. This second level is usually identified by the conversations about the current events, news, stories, histories and happenings.

The third level of yogi is master, when one knows who one is, whose charachter is refined as gold, without the need for specific reminders and mental focus exercises, since the master yogi is in the perpetual state of awareness and mindfulness, a state of ongoing meditation. Regardless if it is rain or sunshine, the external factors do not change nor effect much the master yogi. This final stage is indicated by the conversations about the poetic truth, future plans, philosophy and wisdom.

During the focused meditation the sensory awareness is calmed to unveil the subtle awareness, Dalai Lama has expanded on it in his recent live broadcast. That subtle awareness can remember the previous réincarnations, however, it is not the self per say, it is not a property owned by any one mortal ego.

Once the ego realizes that it does not exist and thus can't own anything then what remains is the Divine Universal Consciousness. The process of becoming awaken to these realizations is what is called becoming Buddha, meaning it is the destiny of many souls to reach the enlightenment, just as the seed grows into a tree then flowers and fruits, then back to the seed.

The body does its thing without any egos' involvement, the egos only cause trouble for the body, without the distortions of the ego one must do what is right and appropriate, according to the consciousness and not self worship. It is the divine immortal souls of Goddess/God (that are one) who make the decisions using the souls' freedom to choose. The ego tells us who we are, the soul is making the choice.

Why change some ask. The growth, development, change and metamorphosis has to be taken into the consideration. We are born into the physical world and as children we relate to it through our ego, the small letter consciousness of the child at play in the here and now. It is always here and now, so this child consciousness is always with us during life.

The parents fulfill the role of the subconscious, the reflections into the past and projections into the future. When a child grows up to become an adult, the age of consent, it means that their subconscious to conscious communications is established enough to start making the decisions for themselves with all the ramifications of the consequences.

At about forty years of age, most souls go through yet another transformation, by becoming reborn in the spiritual sense as the consciousness blooms to become enlightened Buddha, means awaken to the actual spiritual reality of the world.

Be Well, Happy, and Prosper!



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