Sunday Yoga Challenge: Reclined Hero Pose

in #yoga8 years ago


Hi everyone! I know I'm a bit late, but here's my Sunday Challenge post!

Reclined Hero Pose(Supta Virasana)

I wanted this to be a sunset post, but we (my boyfriend and I) got a little carried away on our jog, and got back a lot later than expected.

But here it is, better late than never! I love this pose after a long jog, because it's a beautiful stretch, and since I knew I would be doing it anyway, I decided to share it with you.

It's not about how far you go into the pose. It's a stretch, so wherever you are in the pose, as long as you feel the stretch, you're doing it right.

Let's Begin!

  • Make sure you are warmed up, this will not be fun if you are not warm, so warm up however you wish, and meet me in Dancer Pose.
  • Dancer Pose stretches some of the same muscles as Reclined Hero, so it's a good place to begin. If you're not sure how to get into Dancer, here is a link to my previous post on getting into this pose. image
  • Coming out of Dancer and into Tadasana(Mountain Pose[And yes I am aware that I switch haphazardly between the English and Sanskrit names, but my brain is weird so I just go with it.{And yes I am aware of my bracket inception - but why would they make so many types of brackets if we aren't meant to do this?}])

I'm in a weird mood.

  • Moving swiftly along, inhale and swan dive down into a standing forward fold. Hold for 10 breaths and melt into the pose. To get further into the pose, try entwining the fingers above your head and push your arms forward. The weight of your arms will pull your hamstrings more, helping them loosen. image image

  • From here, exhale and come into Downward Facing Dog. Legs are straight and you are pushing your chest towards your thighs.
    To get further, try to "walk the dog" where you alternate the legs you put your weight on, as shown in the pictures. It really helps to loosen you up. image image image

  • Next, come down onto your hands and knees. We are going to do Cat and Cow pose.
    They are two poses which are basically the same, and except for the positioning of the spine. In Cat Pose, you arch your back, like a scared cat, feel free to ask your cat for further advice if you have one. Tuck your head in and really arch the back.
    In Cow Pose you do the opposite, arch your back and give a "porn star bum" (wise words from my first yoga instructor.) Also, stretch the spine deeply in this pose, and look up. image image
    Continue to slowly alternate between these two poses, (it's a lovely stretch) and repeat about 5 times. Inhale during Cat Pose, and exhale during Cow Pose.

  • Come down and into Childs Pose, which is a resting pose, but also provides a nice stretch. Sit on your heals, then fold over your legs. Stretch your arms out in front of you and pull yourself forward. image

  • Stay in Childs Pose for 5 breaths.

  • Coming out of Childs Pose, sit between your heals. If this hurts too much, take a towel and roll it up into a sausage shape. Place this between your legs, it should relieve some pressure on the knees and thighs.

  • Once here,if you can, try to slowly recline backwards. image image

  • Arch the back as you come down. Go as far as you can, and avoid over stretching.

  • If you are comfortable, lie back and reach your arms out behind you. We forgot to take a picture of that, but it's easy enough to understand.

And there you have it!
I hope you liked this, and decided to challenge yourself. Or save this for a post workout stretch. It really is great.

Sorry if the pictures are blurry, my camera man and I were pretty tired, but I bring you this pretty sunset picture as penance. image

Let me know what you think and follow me @yogidream.scapes for more.

Have a great day!



Hi. I'm curating for health on Steemtrail and want to recommend your post today. Just a couple of tiny things. Although it's obvious to me that these are your own photos, and you refer to that, it's always a good idea to have a line at the bottom of the post saying so. Today I found your post by chance, but if you put health as your first tag in future, we're more likely to find your posts. Here's our intro post with more info

That is awesome, thanks you so much! And yes I will start putting that at the bottom, thank you for the helpful advice!

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