House Doctor: Signs you should care about to prevent illnesses - Insomnia

in #yoga6 years ago (edited)

Don't wait until a chronic pain or illness appears. Your organism gives the signs to be aware of any problem before it gets more complicated.

It's pretty common that many people -due to #stress, work and/or excess of self-confidance - don't care about little problems that surge in their body frequently or don't disappear, that can work as little alarms about processes that are not working that well in their organism.

There's another group that is interested on keeping a good health, studying formally or through Internet about the best ways to keep healthy. Feeling better for a while is usually a good reference to continue with that regime, specially in the short term or when an specific symptom disappears but, do they really handle measurements to ensure if that's really working or not? So, ignorance can keep playing against them (sometimes taking a diet/lifestyle as a religion even when symptoms start appearing is a cause but that's a theme for another post). 

The following sign is easy to start detecting by yourself any posssible issue about, and also you will find waht you should do to change what seems to be wrong.

Insomnia and problems to rest well

One thing is having a hard day and go late to bed once or twice in a while, but another one is that a lot of people can't sleep because they feel hyperactive at night or by any other reason just can't. Also happens that at the middle of the night they wake up and it's hard for them to go back to Morpheus' world.

Lack of good sleep eases degeneration of your body and getting older faster, as there are lower chances for your organs and systems to recover after their journey. It also increases the probability of feeling dozily during the day, reducing your performance and quality of life (drinking a cup of coffee to fell awaken is not a real solution).

You're healthy about your sleep if:

  • You start feeling sleepy early in the night (8-9 pm)
  • You don't wake up at the middle of the night without unexplainable reasons (like noises, smells and others)
  • You wake up repaired and full of energy with the sunrise, and 7 hours of sleeping were enough to rest.

What you can do to get better:

  • Stop eating carbs after 3 pm and prefer salads at night.
  • Do some workout every day. Try to do it in the morning for better results
  • Eat more vegetables, which are sources of magnesium and another fundamental nutrients for a restful and repairing sleep.
  • Turn off the lights, TV as well as PC and leave your phones and tablets away once the night has come. Darkness stimulates the secretion of melatonin, necessary to send you to the bed.

Yoga to improve restful sleep 

Shoulder stand

  • To do this posture you have to lay down on a yoga mat or confortable surface, facing up to the roof. 
  • Raise both legs together as one and grab your hips with both hands and get as vertical as possible
  • Relay the weight of your body in your shoulders and not the neck. 
  • This pose must not be done in case of: pregnancy, menstruation, glaucome, necks in on around the neck and shoulders and hyperthyroidism.

     Meditation with eyes focused on the third eye

    Any #meditation with this Drishti (term used for eyes-focus techniques) applied for at least 7-min, helps to sleep better and recover your biorhythms. That's beacuse the pressure of the eyes on the hypophysis promotes its regulation and synchronization of the entire neuroendocrine system.

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