Yoga can help us maximize our intelligence

in #yoga7 years ago (edited)

In the last 100 years, humans have made great strides in Science and Technology developments, much greater than anyone could have imagined. As a result of scientific developments, the present generation has more comfort and convenience that any other generations before. 

But Question is, are we the most peaceful generation? Is our mind equally comfortable as body? NO 

Our Mind, Body and Soul are three separate entities 

According to Hindu believes - which are proving itself time and again - we are not our BODY and we are also not our MIND, we are souls that are always connected to one another and to the universe (you call it God, or Energy) 

Our mind and our body are not working for us.  We are so lost and preoccupied in our thoughts that no matter how much comfortable the external environment is, we are not at rest. But since we ourselves are not in peace, how we can create solutions that create a better place.  

Controlling Mind 

Our mind and body should never be a hurdle between us and the universe, but no, we are so busy fulfilling physical desires or we are so pre-occupied by our mind that we do not have time and energy for general well-being of the planet. 

To see if our mind is in check, sit quietly in a room and do nothing; just nothing – No phone, email, videos, absolutely nothing, not even your thoughts. 

The mind will go mad and will take us to places where we have never been or never want to be. This is because our mind is not in our control.  

Yoga can help us deal with it

Yoga means unite. Our body is external and soul is internal (and eternal too), but the mind is somewhere in between having both the characteristics. Yoga helps us take control of the mind, thus by mastering yoga we can separate or unite the soul from body, at will. 

The disturbed and distracted mind can never help us maximize the benefits of our intelligence, on the other hand the controlled and single focused mind can take us to the different levels or dimensions. 

A controlled and focused mind is creative and forward looking, focused mind can help us maximize our energies and get most amount of work done in small amount of time. 

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