Do Yoga To Manage Anxiety

in #yoga7 years ago

I heard on the evening news recently the number of people suffering from general anxiety or panic disorders has grown to over 15 million in the US. Does this number shock you? It didn’t seem to surprise me, as the day to day living most people conform to is a mindset in doing more, quick results, days extended leaving little time for sleep. It’s the drive within us to feel safe by which defined by today’s standards mean do more, and play less. Stimulants are everywhere and coffee and energy drinks are the norm to fuel the body to stay awake beyond it’s natural need for rest & restoration. Respecting our bodies and caring for the self is taking a backseat. Rather than honoring and respecting ourselves would involve conscious awareness to our feelings, and to honor uncomfortable feelings is a reason to “go deeper” rather than go faster.
yogaseatstock.jpeg Yoga is a process.

The word anxiety is defined as “distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear of danger or misfortune”. Anxiety is an unpleasant emotion, which is usually experienced when anticipation of misfortune is present.
The demands in our lives are growing. The demands from your spouse, “what’s for dinner, did you go shopping, pick up my dry cleaning”, the demands from your children, no matter what their age, there are always demands for the latest video game, I need a ride, what’s to eat, can I have spending money, add to it the demands from your boss who believes that his disorganization becomes an urgent situation that demands your immediate attention to take care of it.

During the warmer months in late spring and summer there is an increase in our activities and there adds another layer of demands. If the demands are getting the best of you, if you find your anxiety levels increasing, and feel like there is less time to nurture your own needs, you may want to stand like a tree, and try Yoga. treeposestock.jpg
It has been advised; yoga for anxiety can enhance and in some cases work better than any mode of therapy. Yoga for anxiety has been in practice for a long time.
Chronic stress can lead to a number of health and emotional issues. Yoga can be an excellent method to reduce stress and anxiety. The most wonderful thing about Yoga is its positive effects it has on your health and mind, which become visible over time.

Chronic stress and anxiety is what lead me to my yoga mat.
The word Yoga came from the Sanskrit word “yuj” which means to unite or integrate. To summarize what Yoga is, think of union, and Yoga is about the union of an individual’s own consciousness and the universal consciousness. In ancient times Yogis believed in order for someone to be in harmony with themselves and their environment, they have to integrate the body, the mind, and the soul. To integrate these three, emotions, action and intelligence needs to be in balance. In Yoga, there is a way to achieve and maintain balance. It is done through exercise practice (asanas), breathing (pranayama) and meditation (Raja Yoga).

The body is treated with care and respect in Yoga. It is your primary instrument in work and growth. Yoga asana exercise improve circulation, stimulate abdominal organs, and stimulate the abdominal organs and pressure on the glandular system, which can result to better health. In Yoga your physical and mental disciplines are brought together to achieve peacefulness of body and mind, helping you relax to manage stress and anxiety., but if you’re just looking for enhancing stress management because of life’s daily hassles or health problem you’re facing and not an entire lifestyle change or way of life, yoga can still help you.

In a yoga class a teacher prepares a sequence series of postures and controlled breathing exercises. These are popular means of stress management and relaxation. In a restorative yoga class props are used to enable a longer pause in the pose to allow for a deeper release and passive stretching. Restorative classes are very relaxing and good for a restful meditative practice.
Finding a yoga class and practice is a personal journey, and today there are yoga classes teaching the art of asanas, meditation and controlled breathing most anywhere from health clubs, to community education classes, and smaller boutique style studios. Yoga has many styles, forms and intensities to it. Hatha yoga is classic yoga and is a good choice for stress management. Hatha is one of the most common styles of yoga and beginners find it an easier practice because of its gentle movements and slower pace.

It’s all about your preference on yoga style, the location you are comfortable learning, and practicing the art of Yoga. It’s style and connectedness with the teachers, and the environment that provides the ideal set up where one will benefit from doing Yoga in proper alignment for balance.

The main elements of most yoga classes contain poses (asanas) and breathing (pranayama).
Poses: Yoga poses are a sequence of movements that are designed to increase strength and flexibility. Yoga poses vary from floor poses while relaxed to challenging poses, which will have you stretching your limits. Depending on your stamina and overall health, you can choose from mild asanas to high intensity asanas.

Breathing: Breath control is a very important part of yoga. Breathing, referred to as pranayama signifies and fuels vital life force energy. In Yoga, controlled breathing can help you quiet your mind and control your body.
Yoga benefits to stress reduction come from the quiet and precise movements, which take you away from the busyness of a chaotic day. They move you towards calm, relaxation as your body moves through poses that require balance and concentration.

Other benefits to doing yoga are increased fitness, management of chronic health issues, weight loss, flexibility and strength.
Yoga doesn’t cure you or offer 100% relief, but It can help some health conditions, including stress management and relief from anxiety. Yoga has been a tremendous technique for me personally in managing stress and aid in relief from intensified anxiety symptoms.
Yoga is to be enjoyed, soaked in and a rewarding practice to supplement your regular fitness routine.!


Seems like this could help a lot of people! Good information, looking forward to more.

Thanks Gre3n!

Chronic stress, sitting down all day, time spend in front of a screen, and lack of community seem so prevalent in western society today. Yoga is an answer to all of these!

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