How to Do Yoga for Beginners

in #yoga7 years ago (edited)

Yoga might seem like a new age fad, but it began over 5,000 years ago. Yoga was designed to train the mind, body and spirit. It is not a religion, but rather a system of spiritual beliefs that can be followed by anyone. However, most people just focus on the physical aspect of yoga, known as hatha yoga.

Types of Yoga

There are different types of hatha yoga. You need to become familiar with them because not all types are good for beginners. Plus, each type has a different style better suited for particular purposes and personalities. Here is a basic overview of some of the more popular types of hatha yoga.

Anusara Yoga

  • Developed in the 1990s by John Friend.
  • Students are encouraged to be playful and light-hearted.
  • Nonthreatening style is good for newbies.
  • Fastest growing style of yoga.

Ashtanga Yoga

  • Vigorous and fast-paced.
  • Helps to build flexibility, strength, concentration and stamina.
  • Good for weight loss, cardio and strength gain.
  • Most intense form of hatha yoga.

Bikram (Hot) Yoga

  • Practiced in rooms that are heated to 100°F or more.
  • Focuses on stamina and purification.
  • Uses 26 movements that are each performed twice.
  • Good for weight loss and building stamina.

Iyengar Yoga

  • Uses props such as blankets, straps, mats, blocks, and chairs.
  • Good for learning the fundamentals.
  • Very precise and disciplined.

Kripalu Yoga

  • Good for self-empowerment and people new to yoga.
  • Often described as "meditation in motion."

Kundalini Yoga

  • Emphasizes mental focus, breathing, mantras and hand positions.
  • Combines poses, breathing techniques, chanting and meditation.
  • Stimulates energy by directing it through the chakras.
  • Poses and breathing are different than in other forms of yoga.

Sivananda Yoga

  • Focuses on proper exercise, vegetarian diet, positive thinking, deep relaxation, breathing and meditation.
  • Good for boosting the spirit.

Vinyasa (Power) Yoga

  • Helps build endurance.
  • Similar to Ashtanga yoga.
  • Popular in the United States.

Viniyoga Yoga

  • More individualized yoga that is usually done one-on-one.
  • Takes into account the student's physical needs, limitations, body type, emotional needs, cultural heritage and interests.

Other Types of Yoga

Other types of yoga include:

  • Gentle yoga.
  • Integral yoga.
  • Jivamukti yoga.
  • Prenatal yoga.
  • Restorative yoga.
  • Yin yoga.

Getting Started

Before you begin any exercise program, you will want to consult with a doctor. Here are some other guidelines on where, when and how to get started doing yoga:

What to Wear

Dress comfortably in stretchy clothing that won't hang down or get in your way. Yoga is traditionally practiced barefoot. However, you can wear socks or soft-soled shoes. You will want to remove your contacts, jewelry and tie back your hair before you begin.

Where to Practice

  • You will need a clear space to practice your yoga. You can use a combination of places if one area does not allow you to do all your poses.
  • The room should be heated and well ventilated.
  • A level, bare or hardwood floor is best.
  • Use a yoga mat if you find your feet slipping.

When to Practice

  • When you decide to do yoga depends upon your schedule. Most people prefer to do yoga first thing in the morning because they feel it revitalizes their mind and body. Others, however, wait to do yoga at night because they feel it promotes a deep, restful sleep.
  • Do your yoga when you feel most limber.
  • Do at least 3 or 4 yoga poses (asanas) every day.
  • Practice at least 10 minutes every day with several longer sessions interspersed during the week.
  • Practice on an empty stomach. Wait about one or two hours after a full meal.
  • Try to drink a glass of warm water 15 minutes before you start.

Workout Basics

  • Here are a few tips that you will need to remember as you begin your yoga practice.
  • Start with easier poses to help prepare your body for the more difficult ones.
  • Never try to force your body into a posture.
  • Do not continue with a pose if you feel pain, cramping or fatigue.
  • Don't overarch your lower back because it compresses the lumbar disks.
  • Keep your neck in alignment with your spine instead of letting it flop back or down.
  • Don't lock your knees during standing postures.

Understanding the Poses

People new to yoga can often become overwhelmed at the number of different poses in yoga. However, it is good to start with some basic poses. As you progress, these poses can become your warm-up.

The cat - cow stretch is really two stretches merged into one. It can help alleviate back pain, stretch the hips and increase abdominal strength.

  • Start on your hands and knees. Your hands should be placed under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  • As you inhale, curl your toes under, drop your stomach and look upward.
  • Exhale and round your back while releasing your feet so the tops are resting against the floor. Bring your gaze down so you are looking towards your navel.

The child's pose (Balasana) is a resting pose that can be done before or after any pose.

  • Sit on your heels with your feet together.
  • Lean forward, lowering your chest until your forehead rests on the floor.
  • Swing your arms forward with your palms facing the floor or bring your arms to your sides with palms facing up.

The corpse pose (Savasana) is good for relieving stress and refreshing both the body and the mind.

  • Lie down on your back.
  • Your feet should be together but not touching.
  • Your arms should be at a 45-degree angle from your body with the palms up.
  • Relax your body and breathe naturally.

The downward facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) is both a transitional pose and a resting pose.

  • Start on your hands and knees.
  • Lift your buttocks toward the ceiling while curling your toes under.
  • Exhale. Straighten your back and arms first, then your knees.

The Mountain Pose - Tadasana can improve posture and balance.

  • Stand with your feet together, hip-width apart.
  • Keep your back straight, head up, shoulders down and arms at the side of your body.
  • Draw in your ribs to move the back of your pelvis away from your lower back.

Pose Directories

For more yoga poses, check out any of the following links:

Finding a Workout

As a beginner, it may be easier for your to start with a planned workout. You will find that there are a lot of different workouts for beginners, many of which are focused on different purposes. Pick a workout that best fits your needs.

Basic Yoga Workouts

Yoga for Energy

Yoga for Relaxation and Sleep

Yoga for Stress Management

Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga for Pain Relief

Yoga for Your Back

Other Yoga Exercises

Yoga is a great way to promote a more healthy lifestyle.

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A very nice guide! I only got into meditation a couple years back and it's done wonders in every aspect of life. Still haven't done that much research into the specific art of yoga, but seeing these here are peaking my interest day n day out :)

Wow extremely informative, resteeming! Thanks for the great guide and being a resource to the community.

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