Only Two Days of Year that remain Constant

in #yesterday6 years ago

Two Days of the Year that remain constant.

What are the Two Days in the Year that remain constant and that cannot be changed?

Being a mathematics teacher, the word 'constant' is used thousand of times in my teaching and in my mathematics books. What is a constant?
Constant as a noun means that something that does not change or vary. In mathematics, constant means a quantity assumed to be unchanged throughout a discussion.

People and many of my students tell me that constant is the opposite to change.

What do you think? Here is the Young Australian mathematics teacher of the year Eddie Woo and he is the Australian of the year 2018 with three others.

Eddie Woo Australian of the Year 2018.jpgII.jpg

To drive home the concept of constant mathematically and figuratively, you need to know some synonyms and antonyms of the term constant.

But the opposite of constant is not change but variable.

It may be useful to know some synonyms of constant. Here are some synonyms of constant: consistent, continual, nonstop, unbroken, stabile, uniform, perpetual, even. connected and many others conveying the idea of constant.

It is also useful to know some antonyms of constant. Here are some of the useful ones: changeable, flagging, interrupted, temporary, irregular, inconsistent and many others.

Remember that change or innovate is the only constant in our life? Here the term constant is used figuratively. So constant can't be the opposite of change.

Coming back to the two days of the year that always remain constant and the do not change.

What are the two days in the year you can't change or remain constant figuratively?

These two days are yesterday and tomorrow. They remain the same or constant and can't be changed. Yesterday is past and tomorrow is the future.

These are the only two days in the year that nothing can be done. Today is the right day to act, love, believe, do and live well.

Today I shall behave, as if this is the day I will act and be remembered. Yesterday is gone and I can't do anything. Tomorrow hasn't come and I too can't do much and do not worry.

Here is the young Australian of the year 2018 and he is a secondary school mathematics teacher. Eddie Woo who uses the term constant and variable very often in his mathematics teaching.

His behaviour, conduct, interest in teaching always remain constant and consistent. The interest of his students is in his heart and that makes him one of the finest mathematics teachers in Australia.

Eddie Woo teacher Math.jpg



For the fun of using the term constant, we say that change or adaptation is the only constant in our life.
If you do not change and innovate, you will be left behind in this technological age.

Remember the only two days of the year: yesterday and tomorrow always remain constant and remain unchanged. Day passes, week passes, month passes and year passes but yesterday and tomorrow remain as they are. Today is the only day we have to take action and live our dreams.


Wise advice! I would argue that you can also reduce this philosophy down to "from moment to moment!"
Thanks for your kind comment on my recent post.

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