Literal translation of the first 4 chapters of Revelation.

in #yeshua6 years ago

The latest literal translations I have are from Revelations chapters 1 through 4. I will no longer be posting them with the comparisons to the KJV as I'm sure all can see from the many examples I have given it is a totally corrupt version just like all foreign language translations on the market. The original languages are still the only ones to go by so look it up people, confirm by the original languages of scripture but only by the Holy Spirit as ancient Greek and Hebrew dictionaries have also been corrupted by the same false Jews named in the scriptures by Yeshua!
Here are the chapters as the Lord gave to me but do not trust man as per Jeremiah 17:5 check it for yourself and draw near unto Yeshua yourself by doing so!
Literal translation of the Greek:
Revelation 1
1 Revelation of Yeshua the Messiah which was given by Himself being God, and shown to His servants who needed to be quickly notified through His messenger, His servant Yochanan,
2 who bears witness of the Word of God and the testimony of Yeshua the Messiah, whatsoever he sees
3 Blessed is the one who has greater knowledge(of the Word of God implied) and listens to the words of this prophecy and watches for what is written regarding the time at hand(end times implied)
4 Yochanan, the seven Ekklesias(called out groups) that are in Asia(Asia minor), grace and peace to you from Who was and is and is to come and from the seven spirits that are before His throne
5 and from Yeshua the Messiah, the witness of the faith, the firstborn of the dead and the first, the King of the earth, He Who loves us and Who cleansed us from our sins in His blood
6 and He made us kings and priests of God and our Father, His is the glory(honour) and the might(power) into the ages the ages(meaning forever and ever), amen.
7 See, He comes with the clouds and all eyes will see and those that pierced Him and cut Him off, all the tribes(nations, gentiles) of the earth, yes, amen!
8 I AM the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, says the Lord, He Who was and is and is to come, The Almighty!
9 I Yochanan, your brother and partaker(or companion) in the tribulation(persecution) and in the Kingdom, am patiently awaiting for Yeshua the Messiah to come, in the isle called Patmos through the Word of God and through the testimony of Yeshua the Messiah
10 came to me in the Spirit in the Lord's day and I heard behind me a great voice as a trumpet
11 saying, I AM the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last and what you see write down in a scroll(Biblion in Greek) and send it to the seven Ekklesias(Called out groups) in Asia(Asia Minor), to Ephesos and to Smurna and to Pergamos and to Thuateira and to Sardeis and to Philadelpheia and to Laodikeia.
12 and I turned back and saw the voice which spoke with me and I turned back and saw seven golden lampstands(or candlesticks)
13 and in the midst of the seven lampstands One like the Son of man clothed(or arrayed) in a robe down to His feet and girded about toward the chest with a golden belt
14 also His head and the white hair as if wool, white as snow and His eyes as a lightning flash
15 and His feet as brass kindled in a furnace and His voice as many waters
16 and He holds in His right hand seven stars and from His mouth a double edged sword swiftly going out and His appearance as the sun shining in His power
17 and when I saw Him I fell before His feet as though dead and He put His right hand on me saying to me, fear not, I AM the First and the Last
18 and living then was dead and see, I AM alive unto the ages the ages(meaning forever and ever), amen and I hold the keys to hades(hell) and death.
19 Write what you see and what is and what is about to be with these.
20 The hidden thing(secret, mystery) of the seven stars you saw on My right and the seven lampstands of gold, the seven stars are messengers of the seven Ekklesias and the seven lampstands you saw are the seven Ekklesias.
Revelation 2
1 to the messenger of the Ephesian Ekklesia write these things, says He Who holds the seven stars in His right hand and walks in the midst of the seven golden lampstands
2 I see your works and your troubles and your patience and that you cannot bear evil and that you test those claiming to be sent by Me when they are not and finding them to be deceitful(false)
3 and you having endured patiently also because of My Name labouring and not tiring
4 but I have against you that you have sent away(lit. sent to go) your first love.
5 Remember therefore from where you have fallen and rethink(repent) and do the first works, but if you do not rethink(repent) I will come quickly and remove your lampstand from this place.
6 but you have hated the work of the Nicolaitans which I also hate.
7 The one who has ears to hear what the Spirit says are the Ekklesias, he who overcomes I will give to eat of the tree of life which is in the middle of God's paradise.
8 and to the messenger of the Ekklesia in Smurna write these, says the First and the Last Who was dead and is alive
9 I have seen your works and the pressure(distress, tribulation, trouble, persecution) and the poor who is rich and the blasphemers who say they are Jews and are not but are a synagogue(or congregation, gathered) of satan.
10 Fear not that which you are about to undergo, see what is about to be and cast it from you, the false accuser(slanderer, devil) is watching you, so that he may tempt(test, try) you and hold you for ten days of pressure(distress, tribulation, trouble, persecution) be faithful even until death and I will give you the crown of life.
11 The one who has ears to hear what the Spirit says are the Ekklesias, the overcomer will not be hurt by(or suffer) the second death.
12 And to the messenger in Pergamos' Ekklesia write these, says He Who holds the sharp double edged sword
13 I see your works and you live where satan's throne is and you hold My Name(meaning have My Authority) and have not spurned(lit. hated) My trust(faith) and in the days in which Antipas My faithful witness was put to death near you where satan dwells.
14 but I have against you that because you have there a few that retain the doctrine(teaching, instruction) of Balaam who taught with Balak to cast down a stumbling block(trap, snare, scandal) before the sons of Israel causing them to eat food sacrificed to idols and to practice idolatry(or fornication)
15 likewise you have and retain the doctrine of Nicolaos which I hate
16 but if you do not rethink(repent), I will come quickly and war with you with the sword of My mouth.
17 The one who has ears to hear what the Spirit says are the Ekklesias, he who overcomes I will give to eat of the secret manna and I will give them a white stone(this was given to vote in favour of something) and upon the stone a new name written that no one knows if not taken up.
18 and to the messenger in the Ekklesias of Thuateira write these, says the Son of God Whose eyes are as a lightning flash and His feet like brass.
19 I see your works and love and the service(ministering in obedience to God) and faith and your patience and your labour and the latter majority the first
20 but I have against you that because a few allow that woman Yizevel to speak her own prophecies teaching and deceiving My servants to practice idolatry(or fornication) by eating food offered unto idols
21 and I have given her time in order to rethink(repent) her(of the) idolatry(fornication) and she has not repented
22 see, I will cast her on a couch(figuratively sickbed) and those who committed adultery with her into great pressure(distress, tribulation, persecution, trouble) if they do not rethink(repent) from their works(ways)
23 and her children(or spiritual offspring) I will relinquish(give over) to death and all you Ekklesia will know(or learn) that I AM the searcher(or investigator) of the kidneys(figuratively the mind, the inmost part) and the heart and give you each according to your works
24 but to you who remain of Thuateira I say, those who do not have this doctrine and to those who did not know the depths of the accuser(satan) as they say, I will not place on you another weight(burden)
25 except to keep what you have until I come(arrive)
26 and the overcomer and the guard(keeper) until the end will do My work and I give them the authority over the tribes(nations, gentiles)
27 and He will rule them with an iron staff as the earthen(ceramic) vessels(pots) which are broken and I also speak as My Father before Me
28 and I will give the morning star.
29 The one who has ears to hear what the Spirit says, are the Ekklesias
Revelation 3
1 and to the messenger in the Sardeis Ekklesia write these, says He who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars, I see your works, that you have the name for being alive and you are dead.
2 You be watchful(keep awake) and set fast(lit.turn resolutely in certain direction)the remaining ones who are about to die as I have not found your works filled(finished, perfect) in the presence of (or before) God
3 but remember how you get it and hear and guard(keep) and rethink(repent) but if you do not watch(keep awake) I will come to you as a thief and and you will not know which hour I come to you
4 you have a few names in Sardeis who have not defiled their garments and will walk with Me in white because they are worthy
5 he who overcomes wil be clothed in white garments and I will not blot out his name from the scroll(book) of life and I will confess his name before My Father and before His messengers.
6 The one who has ears to hear what the Spirit says, are the Ekklesias
7 and to the messenger in the Filadelpheia Ekklesia write these, says the Holy and True One Who has(holds) the key that opens and no one can close and closes and no one can open.
8 I see your works, see, I give before you an open door that no one(or nothing) can shut because you have little strength and have guarded(kept) My Word and not denied(rejected) My Name.
9 See, I give from the synagogue(gathering) of satan those who say they are Jews and are not but they lie. See, that I will make them come and kneel before your feet and so that they know I love you
10 because you guard(keep) My Word patiently so I will guard(keep) you from the hour of testing(trial, proving) that is about to come upon the whole world to test(try, prove) those who dwell upon the earth.
11 See, I come soon, hold fast what you have so that nobody takes your crown.
12 He who overcomes I will make a support(column, pillar) in the tabernacle(sanctuary, temple) of My God and not go out from there and write upon him the Name of My God and the name of the city of My God the new Yerushalem that descends from heaven(sky) after My God and My new Name
13 The one who has ears to hear what the Spirit says, are the Ekklesias
14 and to the messenger of the Laodikeus Ekklesia write these, says the Amen, the Faithful Witness, the True, the Beginning, the Creator God.
15 I see your works, that you are neither cold nor hot, it would be to your benefit if you were cold or hot
16 so because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot I AM about to spew you from My mouth
17 because you say, "because I am wealthy and rich and have need of nothing" and because you do not see(perceive, know) that you are miserable and pitiable and poor and blind and naked
18 I advise(counsel) you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so you can become wealthy and dressed in white so that you are clothed and not appear in your shameful nakedness and salve to anoint your eyes so that you can see
19 Whoever I love(or am friends with) I reprove(rebuke) and teach to be zealous and rethink(repent)
20 See, I stand at the door and knock if any hear My voice and he/she opens the door I will go in to him/her and dine with him/her and he/she with Me.
21 The overcomer I will give him/ her to sit with Me in My throne as I also overcame and sit down with My Father in His throne.
22 The one who has ears to hear what the Spirit says, are the Ekklesias.
Revelation 4
1 After these I beheld and saw a door open up in heaven and the voice of the First Whom I heard as a trumpet spoke with me saying rise up(ascend) here and I will show you what must be after these
2 and straight away I was in spirit and saw a throne set in the heaven and upon the throne One sitting
3 and the One sitting, He appeared like a stone of jasper and sardius and a rainbow all around the throne appeared like an emerald
4 and all around the throne twenty-four thrones and upon the thrones I saw the twenty-four elders(or first ones) sitting clothed in white robes and they have upon their heads golden crowns
5 and from the throne lightning came out and thunder sounded and seven lamps of fire(as lightning) burnt before the throne which are the seven spirits(or breaths) of God
6 and before the throne a sea of glass like crystal and in the middle of the throne and around the throne four beings full of eyes in front and behind
7 and the first being was like a lion and the second being was like a calf and the third being had the appearance like a man and the fourth being like a flying eagle
8 and the four beings in themselves each have six wings all around and within are full of eyes and do not have rest day or night saying holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come
9 and while the beings gave glory and honour and giving thanks, He Who sits on the throne Who lives unto the ages of the ages(expression meaning forever and ever)
10 They fell, the twenty-four elders(or first ones) before He Who sits upon the throne and they praised He Who lives unto the ages of the ages(forever and ever) and threw down their crowns before the throne saying
11 worthy is the Lord to take the glory and the honour and the power because You are the Creator of all and through Your will they exist and they were created.

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