God's promises once again hidden by the corrupt translators that serve satan!

in #yeshua4 years ago

Literal translation of the Hebrew text:

Yeshayahu 65
1 I sought to not ask, I came forth not seeking out, I said, "I AM here, I AM here", to the tribe(nation, gentile) that did not call on My Name
2 I spread(stretch out) My hand all the day to the rebellious nation(people) that does not go on the right(good) way after their own imaginings(idols, false gods implied)
3 The nation(people) who anger Me, before Me always sacrifice in condemnation upon the white bricks
4 Those who sit(dwell, settle) in the tombs(graves) and guards(keepers, watchers) that sleep, those who eat the flesh of swine and a mash(fragmented, broken up food) prepared in their unclean(abominable) vessels
5 Those who say come near to me(as in join me) because in me you sanctify yourselves, these are smoke from My nose, a fire that burns all day
6 Here is written before Me, I will not keep silent as when I paid and I paid from within
7 Your sin and your father's sin likewise says YHVH who burn sacrifices upon the mountains and upon the hills I will expose and I will measure their reward(recompense) first upon their lap(old Hebrew saying meaning they would pay for their own sin)
8 Thus says YHVH, when He finds the pressed grapes in the bunch and says to it, "you will corrupt it(the bunch implied)", for a blessing in it will I do for the sake of My servant to not corrupt everything
9 and I took out of Yakov a seed and from Yehudah an Heir, My mountain and inheritance of My chosen One and My servant, We will dwell there
10 and there was the plain(Sharon) a home for the flock and a troubled valley(valley of Achor) to rest in for the cattle to My people who sought Me
11 and you who have left YHVH, who forgot My holy mountain, who set a table for the troops and who fill them to the brim with mixed drink
12 and I appointed them to the sword and all of them to the slaughter to bend and heed My call and not to answer My word and not hear them and to do the evil in My eyes and in which I did not delight in their choice
13 to them says my Lord YHVH, "behold, My servant shall eat and you shall hunger, behold My servant shall drink and you shall thirst, behold My servant will rejoice and you shall be ashamed,
14 behold My servant will cry out from a good heart and you will cry from a grieving heart and from a broken spirit you will wail
15 You put Your Name on them on oath, to Your chosen and they killed You my Lord YHVH and His servants shall be called by another name
16 he who is blessed in the earth will be blessed in my God, so be it(amen) and he who sevens(swears an oath) in the earth sevens in my God, so be it(amen), whoever forgets their first(past) troubles(distress, tribulation) will also be hidden from My eyes
17 because I AM the Creator of new heavens and a new earth and you will not remember the first ones and they will not come up in your heart
18 as with joy and eternal rejoicing while that I AM the Creator, that I AM the Creator of a rejoicing Yerushalem and a people of My joy
19 and I rejoice in Yerushalem and I enjoy My people and there will be not heard a voice in her any more a voice of crying
20 There will no more be a yoke(burden) of days(time) nor a beard(old man implied) who will not fulfil his days because the boy, a son of a hundred years(a hundred years old) will die and the sinner, the son of a hundred years shall curse
21 and they built houses and dwelt in them and they planted vineyards and ate their fruit
22 they will not build and after will sit down and they will not plant and after will eat because the days of the tree will be the days of My people and the work of their hands will wear out My chosen
23 they shall not work in vain and not bear(children) in panic(terror) because the seed are the blessed of YHVH and their descendants
24 and it will be while they are yet calling and I AM will hear, while they are yet speaking and I AM will hear
25 the wolf and the lamb will graze as one and the lion like the ox will eat hay and a snake(serpent) of the dust fought not nor corrupted in all my holy mountain says YHVH

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