ALL religions lead to hell.

in #yeshua6 years ago

Textus Receptus Greek:
Mat 28:19 πορευθεντες ουν μαθητευσατε παντα τα εθνη βαπτιζοντες αυτους εις το ονομα του πατρος και του υιου και του αγιου

Mat 28:20 διδασκοντες αυτους τηρειν παντα οσα ενετειλαμην υμιν και ιδου εγω μεθ υμων ειμι πασας τας ημερας εως της συντελειας του αιωνος αμην

KJV version:
Mat 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Mat 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Literal translation of the Greek:
Matthew 28
19 Therefore travel and disciple all the tribes(nations, gentiles)baptising them in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
20 Teach them to keep all whatsoever I have commanded you and I will see and be with you each day until the end of the age, amen.

Teaching God's Word is NOT biblical! Discipling the nations is what the Bible tells us to do! What is discipling? Literally it means to make a follower out of someone! A follower that is of God's teaching, God's instruction, His Word in other words! You are to be taught to become a follower of the Word of God, the Torah of God, the instruction of God's Word! And what is God's Word? It is not what but Who and His Name is Yeshua, He is the Word of God(John 1:1) and it is He whom we are to follow and to teach others to follow! We are NOT to teach them our opinions of who God is but we are to teach them to follow Him in His Way, in His Truth, in His Life! That can only be achieved in ONE WAY! His Way! And that is clearly described in His Word! We are merely to direct the new disciples to His Word for instruction in His Way, not to teach it. Only the Holy Spirit is to be our teacher!(1John 2:27). It is only by Him we are to be led!(Romans 8:14)
Note in verse 20 of Matthew 28 also the difference between the KJV and the literal. To keep God's commandments, leaves no room for personal interpretation as no part of God's Word should! Observing all things implies that seeing if it pans out for you could be the interpretation which is what gets taught by man! In man's translation of God's Word the truth gets watered down to suit man's idolatries and false doctrines! In truth God's Word never does this as when the original languages are literally translated show!
The only reference to teaching new disciples is to teach them to obey God's commandments which is a give in if you wish to follow Yeshua in Truth! In this way the Greek Word for teach, didasko, is not used to teach God's Word but rather for teaching obedience to God's Word! So then when you hear someone is a teacher of the Bible know they cannot be so but merely instructors in how to follow Yeshua and obey His commandments. In this way when each of us stands before God on judgement day you will have no excuse in saying that you were taught wrong by another! All have to seek God on their own, all have to be taught of Him as He can only reveal the truth to you Himself by His Holy Spirit. This then requires the most important ingredient to salvation, that you be born again in truth, in water and in the Spirit(John 3:7)! Without Him we can bear no fruit!(John 15:4) Then when you are born again He can use you for His glory and tell you of things to come and yes teach you ALL things! (John 16:13 & John 14:26). There are many in this world claiming to be either followers of Jesus or christians but these many have only ever heard of Jesus or sometimes even know of Him but they do not KNOW Him and that is because they lack true salvation which is to be born again! Without His Holy Spirit we could not hope to know Him nor will He get to know us as He can only relate to us on His perfect terms and not ours! We must be washed of our sins in order for us to be heard as God cannot tolerate evil and as long as we are in the state of sin and unforgiveness we cannot hope to be heard! We must come to
Him on His terms alone! We are not the ones who will dictate to God the terms of our forgiveness of sins! Man's pride is what has created all religions on earth trying to do just that! God will not be mocked!(Galatians 6:7). This is the very reason God hates religion as it is man made and man's attempt at self justification forcing God to accept them on their terms and all God will do is laugh at them at their ridiculous attempts! Can you imagine a stick figure you have just drawn on a piece of paper dictating to you the terms of his life and
salvation? You would laugh and take to it with an eraser! God however is love and in His infinite love devised His plan of salvation and it is the only plan by which man is to be saved, there is NO other! All others are religions and lead to hell and eternal death in the lake of fire on judgement day whether you call it islam, hinduism, buddhism or christianity, all religions lead to hell! Why because none are of God and all follow the same old lie the serpent told Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden! He called into question God's statement by saying you will not surely die!(Genesis 3:4) Now it comes down to whether you believe the truth or the lie and it is as black & white as that, yes or no, truth or lie. God said, (Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.) And you know satan said the opposite just as sinful man says the opposite! Who told the truth? I'd say that was pretty obvious, Adam and Eve no longer reside in this world as they died just like God said they would! Now every
religion on earth is telling you the same old lie that if you work and do good deeds you will go to heaven(except for islam of course, they have to kill to enter heaven)! Now these people will answer the question are you good the same way by saying yes and following on by saying such things as I've never killed anyone or robbed anyone. These people are measuring themselves against a standard of righteousness invented by themselves and their evil religions, comparing themselves to other sinners in other words! We will none of us be judged according to our own standards but only by God's perfect law and commandments! We no longer look so good according to His standards but instead we look just like what we are, sinners! So here it is people, only through total surrender to God's perfect will and obeying Him in all things do we find salvation through Yeshua(Jesus) from our current state as sinners! Salvation is free to all who choose it! Damnation comes by default thanks to the legacy left by the first disobedient humans who chose to believe the lie instead of the truth and caused us to be born into the same state! Choose the truth and salvation people, time is short, judgement has commenced on earth and Yeshua is returning soon!

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