A corrected translation of Mark 13 - one of the end time chapters in the Bible

in #yeshua4 years ago

Literal translation of the Greek:
Marcos(Mark) 13
1 and He came out of the temple, one of His students(learners, disciples) said Teacher see how and where were these stones built
2 and Yeshua answered and said to him, see this great building? No stone will be left upon a stone which is not destroyed.
3 and He sat down on the hill(mount) of Olives facing the temple, Sela(Peter) Yakov(James) and Yochanan(John) and Andreas(Andrew) enquired of Him separately
4 tell us when this will be and what is the sign when all this is fulfilled
5 but Yeshua answered them beginning to say, see that you are not deceived(caused to stray, led away from truth)
6 because many will come in My Name saying I am He, many will be deceived
7 but when you hear of wars and rumours of wars do not be frightened(literally to cry out) because these things must be(happen) but the end is not yet
8 because tribe(nation) upon tribe(nation) will be roused(awoken) and kingdom upon kingdom(realm upon realm) and there will be earthquakes throughout places(locations) and there will be famines and disturbances(agitations, riots) beginning these birth pains(this sorrow)
9 but see, you yourselves will be given into the hands of the sanhedrin and into the gatherings where they will beat you and lead you unto chiefs(governors) and kings(rulers) on account of Me(for My sake) for your testimony(witness)
10 and unto all the tribes(nations) must first be preached(proclaimed) the good message(good news, gospel)
11 but when they lead you away to hand you over do not be anxious, not thinking beforehand(premeditate) nor thinking what you will say because for in that hour you will not speak but the Holy Spirit will speak
12 but they will hand you over, a brother a brother unto death and father his children and children rise up against their parents and kill them
13 and you will be hated by all because of My Name(for My Name's sake) but the remnant are safe until the end
14 but when you see the abomination(idol) of desolation(desertification) spoken of by Daniel the prophet wherever you see it then know again(remember) then understand those in Judea they flee(escape) into the mountains
15 but those up on their homes(on roofs) do not come down into the house nor go inside to take anything out of their house
16 and those that are in the field do not come back to get your clothing
17 but alas(woe) for those pregnant and breastfeeding in those days
18 but pray so that the flight(escape) will not happen in winter
19 because there will be distress in those days the like of which has not been from the beginning of creation which God created until now and will not happen(again implied)
20 and if the Lord did not shorten those days none of all flesh whatsoever would be saved but for the sake of the chosen(elect) He chose to shorten those days
21 he said, see here the Messiah(Christ, Anointed One) but seeing do not believe
22 because there will rise up false christs and false prophets and they will give signs and wonders to deceive(seduce, lead away) if they were able(had the power) the chosen(elect)
23 but you see(beware, watch out), see(perceive, discern) I have told you all beforehand(foretold you)
24 but in those days with that distress(those tribulations, troubles) the sun will be obscured(literally covered)and the moon will not give its light
25 and the stars of heaven will fall down and the powers(mighty) in the heavens will be shaken
26 and then will appear the Son of man coming in the clouds with much power and glory
27 and then He sends His messengers and they will gather the elect from the four winds from the ends of the earth until the ends of heaven
28 but from the fig tree learn the parable when its twigs even now are tender and sprouts its leaves know that summer is near
29 so also when you see these (things implied) happen, know that it is near at the door
30 so be it(amen), I tell you that this generation(this age) will not pass until all these (things implied) happen(will be)
31 the heaven and the earth will pass but My words will not pass
32 but about that day and hour no one sees nor the messengers in heaven nor the Son if not the Father
33 beware(see, perceive, watch), keep awake(guard) and pray therefore to see when the time is
34 when a man travelled away from his home he gave his servants his authority and everyone went about their work and the doorman was commanded to keep watch(be vigilant, stay awake)
35 Keep awake therefore because you don’t see when the Lord comes back home at midnight at cock crowing in the morning
36 not coming suddenly finding you asleep
37 but what I tell you all, I say keep awake(be vigilant, watch therefore)

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