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RE: UN Is Seeking $22.5 Billion To Help 91 Million In Need

in #yemen7 years ago

Well, if this goes like a typical UN funded (anything) then the person in charge will hire himself, and all of his family as special teachers, overseers, accountants...

Then they will go to the foreign country and schmooze with the leader at some high priced parties.

And then they will help the cholera outbreak to expand (or get it started as the did in Haiti)

Finally, they will ask for more money, to keep the parties going.
I wouldn't invest one dime in the UN until they actual start doing anything close to what they say they are to do.

Further, the words "Human Rights" are the most insidious, most awful, most evil thing ever. But, those of us who went to govern-cement schools will never know this, because we aren't taught anything.

If you are a human, you are on the same level as a cow.
You are a man. (or woman)

Human, or hue-man, means the color of a man. Just like the color of law. You are a not a man, you are a thing pretending to be a man. If you are just pretending to be a man, then you can be treated the same as a cow.

Further, the UN's "Human Rights" can be revoked at any time.

A man has rights given by God and they can never be removed.

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