Canada's mainstream media mischaracterizes Yellow Vests Movement

in #yellowvests6 years ago

CTV, Global, and other Canadian lamestream media channels are finally covering the Yellow Vests Movement which has been growing here for the past several weeks.

They got a few things about it correct, but are purposely putting out false information on 2 main points:

1.) They claim it's about forcing the government to push through a controversial oil pipeline. It actually has NOTHING to do with the pipeline. If anything, Yellow Vests are against that globalist scheme. Trudeau says it will go through no matter what - right over sovereign lands owned by first nations people who have never signed a treaty or been conquered militarily. The RCMP are entering the land their ancestors lived on for thousands of years, and arresting native people, throwing them into prisons, so this pipeline can be pushed through. Nobody in Canada wants this pipeline! Stop pretending the movement has anything to do with it!

2.) They say the movement is full of crazy conspiracy theorists, racists, and people calling for Trudeau's death. This is just an attempt to discredit the movement and dissuade anyone from joining in. The reality? It's composed of strong, proud, and free Canadian men and women who want their country back from the criminal international banksters - and their puppet Trudeau!! It's nothing about racism, hatred, or violence. It's about the people being aware that they've been screwed over, and taking their nation back, shutting the border to forced global invasion tactics like the UN Migration Pact. Taking back the financial system, getting rid of the corrupt state media, reversing the fake cannabis "legalization" which is destroying a peaceful culture and industry. Trudeau must go.


Don't listen to the mainstream lies. Check out the movement yourself! Every Saturday, at every City Hall in Canada.


drutter steemit banner.jpg


The only oil pipe I want is the one I'm toking from!

Hemp yeah! The Albertan yellow vesters are dinosaurs begging for a pipeline. I get hated on for trying to advocate hemp oil and solar power instead; they think it will be the end of the economy. They're fixated on small short-term gain for only their province that may end in ecological catastrophe for the Great North! All to sell it off for cheap like the third-world country that Canada is. Now they're even talking about wishing Harper was back in power. Their "solutions" are SO small-minded they're actually just problems.

Oh yes, those pipeliners are brainwashed, begging government to tear up our ecosystem and sell fossil fuels like Iraq and Venezuela. Come on Canada, quick frackin' around!!

Baha they should go frack themselves! They're so adament they don't want Middle Eastern oil (and think the pipeline is the solution), but it's ok to sell it off back to those areas and the rest of the world for cheap cheap cheap. Mmm mmm that carrot of a few temporary jobs for one province is so enticing.

Great choice of topic @drutter. I just wrote post about current events in France and yellow vest only yesterday.

The RCMP are entering the land their ancestors lived on for thousands of years, and arresting native people, throwing them into prisons, so this pipeline can be pushed through

Omg. I never heard about it .... shocking.

ps. would you consider using enter a bit more often? your blocks of texts are very long and it makes it a bit difficult to read.


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