Tuck's Yard Life - Day 2

in #yard-life8 years ago (edited)

Photos from my backyard -- some innocent, some deadly.

Waterfalls are so peaceful and relaxing. This is my high blood pressure medication. :)

This guy fell on me from a tree. I'd never seen one before. Strange bugger.

He found him a good place to rest I guess.

This is a juvenile Broad Banded Water Snake (on the left in water), like the dead one in my last post. They come around after a big rain and eat all of the tadpoles for me.

They are beautiful creatures and swim like a majestic underwater dragon. Very fun to watch underwater as they twist and turn.

Unfortunately we don't see too many deer any longer, but on occasion you can catch one grabbing a bite to eat.

This ****er decided he wanted to take a bite out of me! Luckily I saw him at the last second sneaking up on me. I'm not sure if he was after me, which is doubtful, or if we just snuck up on each other. Either way, neither one of us were too pleased to see the other. As I ran to get a shovel, he scooted off and it took me two days to find him again. The second time he almost got me again as he scuttled out from a log and onto my boot!

I finally cornered him at the back of the pond under a big rock and carefully raised it up with my shovel to expose him. He wasn't happy to see me and the feeling was mutual.

A coral snake is not something you want to come across often. Thankfully this is the only one I've seen. They usually travel in pairs, so I'm still on the lookout for his/her partner at all times.

This is a country man's Bitcoin miner. I collect these by digging in and around my yard. Several years ago we had a big hurricane and a lot of flagstone was scattered about from various garden areas and buried underground; not necessarily due to the hurricane, but the guys that did the cleanup afterwards. Years later I came across a few digging in my yard and to this day I still find some strewn about and dig them up and clean them off. They fetch a nice price from people in the surrounding area.

#photography #nature


Nice pictures! I didn't know coral snakes come in pairs. I almost stepped on one on a run in Florida a few years ago.

I didn’t know coral snakes come in pairs.

I don't know how true that is. I read it somewhere after coming across this sucker, but most sites say it's a myth. Myth or not, I'm always on the lookout since coming across this one! ;)

A little saying about snakes I always remember:
Red touches yellow, dangerous fellow. Red touches black, friend of Jack.

I don't have a garden, but I still have my own saying about snakes: Joshua sees snake, Joshua cries. If snake doesn't leave, snake dies.

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