Update from XYO... "Big changes at XY, XYO, and COIN"steemCreated with Sketch.

in #xyo5 years ago

"Big changes at XY, XYO, and COIN"

XYO... Or 'XY — The Persistent Company' give few weeks ago big announcement.

I did not write about this immediately because I liked to see around what happens after that... how field plays out, so to speak.

But now I feel that it is time to look more closely this announcement and what else have been going around XYO since that.

First of all announcements can be found from here:

So the first thing what is said there that they will divide the company to 3 different organization unit.

XY — The Persistent Company -> Is company... or holding company, but have not heard that they would have been separated to different companies. CEO will be Arie.

XY Labs -> Is about COIN and its development. May or may not have something to do with 'XYO network' in future...
Will be lead by Scott.

XYO -> This all about the real 'XYO network'... XYO protocol, SDKs and the real "blockchain tech"... the data network!
Arie takes lead on this division.

XY Operations -> Is basically the administration wing of whole "group"... HR, finance etc.
Will be Markus domain.

Crypto101 -> Is completely separate "social channel" working separately on its own.

So it looks like this...

(taken from their announcement)

Okay... I said 3 different divisions and you probably noticed I listed 5.
XY — The Persistent Company is just a holding or "top company" name... it does not actually do anything than in paper it is everything.
Real divisions are XY Labs, XYO and XY Operations.

Crypto101 is "external" wing what does what it want to do... I have heard that XY — The Persistent Company owns a share of it... or whole... but anyway it is separated from core functions... Quote from announcement:

Crypto101 podcast under a fully autonomous external entity

Overall I think this is really good change. Now different departments focus to things what are most important to those.

We can see clearly two different development paths here. One is XYO Network and other is COIN. XY Operations is for support those so those can focus to real thing... this is pretty standard way of corporations... separate administration for real productive work or even company (you know the taxation reasons...).

However there is an spin-off on this announcement at the same time... Crypto101... It is fully separated function.
Most of the community knows PizzaMind aka Aaron... He joined XY(O) and there where big buzz about it.
The respected community member joined the XYO! Wow!
He was the voice of community inside the XYO.

Sorry to say this straight and loud out... but all who know corporate bs and sees trough it knows what this means.
PizzaMind was send to do different agenda and is not anymore part of core functions of XYO... This is truly sad event.
Don't know what is reason for this change and don't want to even guess... but it sad and I think XY missed the potential of PizzaMind.
But anyway I think he get different nice opportunity and are happy what he is doing at the moment...

Btw... don't forget to follow Crypto101, there is really good stuff going on:

Okay... anyway lets get back to subject...
At the same time Scott as the lead of new department released announcement of his own:

This announcement is Scott... it is Scott... this is what he does best.
Major take outs from this Scott announcement are...

  • COIN is doing big growth and bringing turnover to company
  • COIN is having it own push separated from XYO Network

What Scott says of delivering or previous goals of COIN I do not agree.
Only thing what they delivered for XYO Geomining Kit owners (BridgeX) has ability to do Sentinel sharing... nothing else benefit. Especially now that they have taken need of Sentinel(X) if you pay the subscription.

FHR members get their benefit for paid plan... but if you are for XYO Network that is complete different thing.
COIN is not providing any data to XYO network or communicating to it in any way.
It may be it in future... but now it is not simply that.

Despite you may think my post is FUD, I believe this is the right direction what they are taking.
They did lost control, they did wrong decision, they did lost the value of project... this is now corrective action... It is the hard way to walk as lot of ppl has lost their trust (what can be seen on token price)... but they took the hard route and now it is time to pay the price with hard work.

They also released roadmap for XYO Network, but I feel that this post become so long and more focused for announcements itself that it needs to be separated to different topic... so we will cover that on separate post!

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