Update of alliances in ripple

in #xrp7 years ago

The consortium of 61 banks, led by SBI Ripple Asia, represents more than 80 percent of all banking assets in Japan, according to Ripple. Takashi Okita, CEO of SBI Ripple Asia, said in Ripple's blog post: 

 "Together with the confidence, reliability and scope of the banking consortium, we can eliminate the friction of payments and create a faster, safer and more efficient national payment experience for our customers." 

Three of the consortium's banks, SBI Net Sumishin Bank, Suruga Bank and Resona Bank, will start using the application in the fall, while the rest will be gradually merged. 


Ripple has focused on establishing relationships with banks to use their payment technologies. In February, ripple announced two new financial services associations; one with Saudi Arabia's Monetary Authority for the use of its cross-border payment technology for banks within the country and another with Western Union, which is testing the settlement system based on Ripple's Blockchain for transactions. 

I don't like Ripple but i have to accept they're working very well.


Parce hablas Ingles muy bien para un Paisa. O es una combinación con Google Translate? :)

Man es una combinancion de mi conocimiento y el traductor por que sabes que el traductor solo es bastate regular. Un saludo

es la verdad

this is the end of the world where people's money would not be secure as it was before .....when people had gold as a currency ....by holding this kind of currency to people is actually making people........as a slave for them and one day will come all the money would kept lock and they tell people that if you want money then.....say we are your gods......and that will be the moment where the end of the world will be so close...... May Almighty god save us from that day.......so....my advice is...stay away from crypto currency as much a possible .....and buy the real gold.....because gold is the real wealth not this digital money.....

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