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RE: If it looks like a cult, and acts like one, it is one, extinction rebellion!

in #xr5 years ago

Pack of non thinking idiots the lot of em. Maybe one of their parents will need a life saving Ambulance and it can't get through because of their stupidity in blocking traffic etc. Just might make them think a bit more rationally about what they are doing.

Posted using Partiko Android


They tend to be, all used to causing crap, making a mess, having no responsibility, and treat protests like a festival. That is what you get with free money from parents and govern-cement grants.

Many years ago, when I was general manager of a shipping company, a captain who had just returned, with his last trip being to India, came to visit and he told me some anecdotes of his life aboard ships.

He knew that when a ship arrives at an Indian port, as soon as the gangway is lowered, the bottom part is immediately surrounded by beggars...mostly children. He also knew that you do not give to one with impunity, as they all will then chase after you all day. When he got to the the bottom rung of the ladder, an ancient looking desiccated old man of maybe 90 years old, stuck out his hand and begged, as the children do, "No mama, no papa, no television, no cadillac."

The captain burst out laughing and broke his own rule, giving the old man a generous amount. He was blessed all the way to his taxi and even as he drove off he could hear the old man.

You see, in India, beggars know they are beggars and show gratitude when you help them. These snowflake corrupted young ones do not realise what they are - they just think, as their marxist teachers taught them, that society owes them. As for losing a parent teaching them something; sure, keep seems you imagine they are capable of loving?

Another superb reply worthy of a vote, but the system is sinking so not worth it now.

And in response "As for losing a parent teaching them something; sure, keep seems you imagine they are capable of loving?"

Yes, themselves.

I think that part of the problem is that they despise themselves. They've been made to feel guilty for being from an advanced culture - and guilt is only effective if you have learnt to despise yourself.

The sad thing is, they may be pathetic, but we cannot afford to feel sorry for them. Just as, there are young people who did not fall under the spell of their indoctrinators - and we should encourage them in any way we can.

You saw the news that in the USA two of the top names for babies (this year, for the first time) are moslem names - and patriot American friends were telling me just a year ago that it can never happen to them....well, I know I can never fall off the edge of a cliff, since we live on a flat Earth.

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