VYPS WordPress Plugin updated to 1.7.1

in #xmr6 years ago

Hey all... We've just updated to the new CN V2 XMR fork... Some bumps but seems to be working.

Make sure that after you update you tell your users to clear their temp files due to the fact that WordPress will keep JS files in cache on their browser.



  • Note: For any sites not able to mine with the new XMR fork with the VY256 miner. Delete your browser cache and temp files after updating!
  • Add: MoneroOcean worker name now determined by use of site= in the vy256 miner. It is now set to ‘default’ by default.
  • Fix: Made it possible to multi-mine with same account using different site= (or you can just transfer using different accounts and refer)
  • Fix: Raffles no longer auto buy tickets on post refresh via F5 and clicking yes. (Use raffles if you wish to have high end rewards that no one user can mine on their own)


  • Update: Made VY256 Worker compatible with the October 18th XMR hard fork. This is more complex that this line of text makes it seem.
  • Add: New short code attribute to the Point Exchange with transfer=true so that you change have a point transfer direct to users referral. (I would put it on your referral page) NOTE: Time functions cannot be used with user transfers, so do not use as a daily reward method.
  • Add: Halloween skeleton miner graphic to the vy256. Set graphic=3 to display. I did not put into rotation to surprise users in areas that are skeleton adverse.
  • Fix: Fixed destination amount format in confirmation pop up in point exchange.


  • Fix: Have functions provided by WooWallet to do the transfers. Everything can go back to normal.
  • Fix: Reversion to instructions to using WooWallet.
  • Add: You now get emails when you transfer to WooWallet since using API now.
  • Add: Have functions to call WooWallet Balance natively but not in use yet as will be put into the regular balance.
  • Add: More functions() for other developers to work on. They are in the functions folder in the includes.

Download to update found here:


Otherwise you can download by searching for VYPS or VidYen in your WordPress plugin section on your site.

Any technical issues feel free to ping me on my Discord:


Also setup a Patreon for ease of development donations!




Happy Halloween!



Holden Crutchenstein

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