I'm Back From My 14 Day Crypto Road Trip!

in #xinfin6 years ago

What I Learned From My 14 Day Crypto Road Trip

I’m writing this article less than 24 hours after I returned home from a 14 Day Cryptocurrency Road Trip. There are so many wonderful memories running through my mind. I experienced so much that I’ll do my best to try and capture these moments for you.

Let’s start from the beginning! I first became aware of XinFin through a newsletter I had subscribed to back in 2017. It was a fascinating project so I invested during their ICO sale. Several months later, I started a YouTube channel and immediately started doing videos on the progress that XinFin was making. I was amazed how few people knew about XinFin. Thus far, I’ve made approximately 150 videos on XinFin and plan on doing more in the future.

I knew that people were enjoying the videos because I was getting a lot of positive feedback. I wanted to do more to help the XinFin community but I wasn’t sure what to do next. I liked making the videos but I felt I want to “talk” to people about XinFin rather than just recording videos.

In June 2017, I hosted the very first XinFin MeetUp in the United States and I invited Chris Neill. Chris is Head of American Development for XinFin. Even after the MeetUp, I still wanted to do more to help grow the XinFin community.

I then came up with the idea of riding around the United States in a car and talking with as many people as possible about XinFin and answering any questions they might have. I am by no means an expert but I wanted to do my part in helping to grow the XinFin community. I told the leaders of XinFin about my idea and they liked the idea. They supported me and the idea of the Crypto Road Trip. I was thrilled.

The highlights of my trip were the PEOPLE I met along my journey. I met so many wonderful people each and every day. It seemed that every city I visited, I ended up meeting a person that made an impact on me. For example, in Oklahoma I met Lorenzo. He was a smart young man who was knowledgeable about XinFin. I asked him many questions about XinFin and I was amazed at how much he knew. He was very encouraged with the progress and partnerships that XinFin was making.

In Houston, Texas I met a man named Brain. He was a XinFin investor who contacted me via e-mail and wanted to meet me to talk! Much like Lorenzo, Brian loved XinFin and enjoyed interacting with the community on Telegram.

When I was in Battle Creek, Michigan I met a homeless man at a restaurant. His name was Terry and was eager to learn about XinFin. He had heard about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies but wanted me to talk about why I like XinFin.

There were also many people who I met that had no idea what “cryptocurrency” was and how it would affect their lives in the future. When I met people like this I tried to explain as best as I could that blockchain and cryptocurrency were “here to stay.”

There were many other people who had heard a little bit about blockchain and cryptocurrencies who were eager to learn more. These people were fun to talk to because they wanted to be taught more because they knew their future would be impacted by cryptocurrencies.

There are many more stories I could tell about the people I met on my Crypto Road Trip. The stories I’ve mentioned above are only a few.

It became apparent to me, early in my trip that by and large most of the people I interacted with had either no understanding or very little understanding of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.

The good news is that there are millions of people who have not heard about XinFin and the progress and partnerships they are involved in. I’m going to continue to talk to people I know about XinFin.

In closing, I want to once again thank XinFin for all the support they have given to me. You are a wonderful group of people and I’m looking forward to the day when I can meet every one of you!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 63749.66
ETH 3419.02
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.48