Xenoblade Chronicles X iso Free Download (Wii)

in #xciso6 years ago (edited)

Although it had the chance to host very few exclusive J-RPGs, the Wii had nevertheless the privilege to host in 2011 a certain Xenoblade Chronicles iso, now unanimously recognized as one of the most more daring of the genre on console. Whether one adheres or not to its very particular orientation, it must be admitted that the soft already shone by its ambitions out of norms and its life of exception. With Xenoblade Chronicles X, the MonolithSoft team decided to show us that it could hit even harder, this time on Wii U!


Release Date: June 10, 2010
Genre : Role Playing
Publisher: Nintendo Australia
Developer: Tetsuya Takahashi, Koh Kojima
Region : USA
Platform : Nintendo WII
Rom Type: ISO



Game Plot

The Earth in 2054. As a collateral victim of a conflict between two unknown extraterrestrial forces, our planet is on the brink of total eradication. Forced to leave their world in absolute urgency, humans fled aboard interstellar arches in the wild hope of saving their lives. But few of them will survive this desperate exodus.

You are just one of them, a "terrestrial" who managed to flee aboard La Grande Blanche, a ship whose debris was stranded on an unknown planet after two years of wandering in space. Stranger on a terra incognita virgin of any civilization, you have survived an eventful landing, removing yourself from your survival capsule with the help of a mysterious young woman named Elma. You understand then that to survive on this new land of asylum that they called Mira, the survivors, of which you are now part, have no choice but to try to colonize it.


It is important to point out that while the Xenoblade Chronicles X iso context is unquestionably successful and mastered, the storyline and the characters have something less of an impact than those of the first part. Actually, the app does not seem to be so much about fans of the Wii episode as fans of SF role-playing games in general, and especially those who love Western titles like Mass Effect., or even the MMORPGs of which we find obvious traces here. All treated with the art and the way specific to the series "Xeno" (Xenogears, Xenosaga, Xenoblade). A choice made by the developers who seem to have perfectly understood what were the strengths of Western RPGs, to the point of particularly focusing on the frantic vastness of this open world and the freedom of customization offered at all levels.

The player also does not delay in realizing it from his arrival on New LA as the magnitude of the task that awaits him looks dizzying. Built on the remains of La Grande Blanche, this city inspired by ancient Los Angeles symbolizes the hope of a new life for the "terrestrials" who organize themselves inside its walls. This gigantic place, divided into several neighborhoods, concentrates all the activities of the survivors and is the starting point for a multitude of missions whose total number is enough to thrill. As part of the Mira settlement project, you will become a member of the BLADE organization and join one of its divisions. The choice of this division belongs to you totally and it is from him that will depend your priorities on the ground. Whatever your decision, you will have to explore every corner of the planet anyway to install FrontierNav probes to reveal as much information as possible around the world, hunt for native creatures and perform all sorts of imposed or optional missions.

Because exploration is at the heart of the game, you can usually progress in the main quest only if you have unveiled a certain percentage of a given country and carried out some quests yet secondary. The idea is indeed to make us aware of the countless discoveries that can be made by walking through Miraeach step achieved then allows to obtain interesting rewards and to increase a field competence such as mechanics, biology or archeology. In the same vein, the installation of probes has anyway any advantages since in addition to partially revealing the environment, it also optimizes the extraction efficiency of the miranium which is the main resource of Mira . Extremely well exploited in the game, the Gamepad allows to customize these probes to amplify their effects by connecting adjacent sites together, so as to increase their performance.


Of course, choosing to join this or that division of xenoblade chronicles iso also allows you to move towards a specific class giving access to different Artsusable with specific weapons. In general, all the Arts can be optimized through the battle points earned, just like the passive skills related to the classes of each character. The set of equipment assigned to the different parts of the body of the four members of our team directly modifies their appearance, sometimes changing their look completely. Moreover, the developers have squarely integrated an option which makes it possible to use a given equipment without necessarily having to undergo the appearance which is associated with it, and one can even invest miranium to support this or that factory of armament in order to expand the arsenal offered for sale. They really thought of everything!

As for the choice of xenoblade chronicles iso made by our avatar during the discussions, they have a direct influence on the sociogram which illustrates the agreement between the innumerable characters of the game. We even find a sociogram for the player who evolves according to the exchanges made with the community via the new social functions proposed. By activating online features, joining a squad allows you to share BLADE reports, exchange equipment and temporarily team up with other players.. Thus, when crossing the avatar of another player, one can ask for the support of his division or to recruit it during a given lapse of time. There are even random squad missions that are constantly renewing and online missions for four players that eventually lead to optional bosses. Ideas abound on this side and reinforce the impression of not being the only miracle survivor to conquer Mira.


By setting foot outside the walls of New LA, you will quickly realize that Mira is a primitive world in which to survive may be much more difficult than expected. It's very simple, the vastness of the planet is such and its fauna so dangerous that simply trying to rally one probe to another creates many opportunities to die . On Primordia, the first land of the game, the creatures happily have the good taste to be rather quiet and will fight back only if you have the crazy idea to attack them, at least in the beginning. But of the five big countries Mira, almost all of them are home to overly aggressive monsters that will jump on you at any time.

The worst thing is that the beauty and majesty of the environments constantly push us to lower our guard to ecstage before this or that fascinating landscape. The scenery is really beautiful and literally teeming with life, but this primitive wildlife is not friendly and the creatures do not need to measure ten meters high to constitute a mortal danger. Before having reached an insolent level, it is better to play stealth by slaloming in the right places to avoid alerting the most powerful monsters that can detect us at the slightest soundor who excels in camouflage techniques. As if that were not enough, Mira is home to "tyrants", indigenous life forms with unusually high levels of threat. Knowing that the app records and updates in real time the number of victims made by these tyrants, needless to say, it is better to be wary of those who proudly wear a gold crown over their head.

Despite the omnipresence of danger, exploration is undoubtedly the most fantastic element of Xenoblade Chronicles ISO. Each exit to the unknown is an opportunity to rave about the beauty and immensity of environments, d admire the changes in Mira according to the weather and the time of day, all of which directly affect the activity of the fauna as well as the occupations of the settlers of New LA And even if these natural hazards constitute a constraint additional, if only because they favor certain handicaps in combat, they never represent an obstacle to the pleasure of play since facilities allow to modify freely the time of the day if one feels the need for it.The most delicate is finally reading this extremely vicious relief that gives us a hard time when we realize that the path to the next landmark is not at all the one we imagined . What further strengthen the feeling of embodying a true pioneer in a hostile environment, and live each probe installation as a real success in itself.

We hope you have fun downloading this xenoblade chronicles iso for the Wii

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