🚫STOP ---> 🚨 A MUST READ: My proven method for curing my anxiety and depression. 💊 How to QUIT XANAX cold turkey without withdrawls!💉 🚑

in #xanax6 years ago (edited)

Don't just "TREAT" it... you can CURE IT.


Unfortunately, as most of us already know, life doesn't always greet us with A daily dose of Sunshine and Rainbows. As a matter of fact, a vast majority of people experience quite the oppososite, at some point in their lifetime and more than likely, it's too may to count . Whether it be just a gloomy day, an unfortunate accident, family issues, addiction, death, disease, legal troubles, mental illness, or god forbid a tragedy strikes, one thing's for sure, we ALL dread the feelings that accompany these hard times.

As disturbing as it is, society continues to prove that without the correct treatment, our chances of tumbling down a self destructive path towards rock bottom, are extremely high. Most likely, it's when it happens as opposed to how, that often leads us into such turmoil and distress. In my experience, life's biggest obsticles or unfortunite events almost always happen at the worst possible times (financially). Trust me , I've been there... Oh soo many times, but I've learned a few things that worked wonders for me, and should be beneficial to your health as well.

I was headed towards that dark place, where I would eventually pay a hefty price for my poor judgement and stupidity. Seeing as health insurance costs an arm and a leg these days, I sought out my own medication...the old fashion way, on the streets. For two years of my life, I draw a giant blank in my mind and memory. Don't get me wrong, I remember all of the important stuff but most likely, not how I would have liked to remember them. I was just cruising by and going through the motions, without much care in the world about just about anything. My emotions were at a stand still, and I was numb. I didn't want to live life like this anymore, I wanted to actually EXPERIENCE life and all that it would have to offer. Even the lows , but especially the natural high's.

Being the stubborn person I am, it took an act of god for me to finally see a physician. Over the course of just the last few months, it became very evident that my depression and axiety had become unbearable. I'd grown such a high tolerance, even my "self-medicating" wasn't helping anymore, as it had oblviously took it's heavy toll on me. I had no choice, I felt like I had to see a doctor or there would be permanent damage to my physical and mental health. I surrendered myself and made the decision to seek out a professional.

Who knew, that that choice would create even bigger problems than the sadness and anxiety had already caused? The only thing I gained from that visit was a severe xanax addiction. In utter dissapointnent, I walked out of there feeling worse than when I walked in. I might have been in the docs office for maybe 15 minutes when he grabbed his pen and pad and quicky wrote me the perscription for Xanax for anxiety and Paxil for depression. He didnt even offer any other alternatite treatmets. Instead of showing genuine care and compassion for his patient (doing his actual job), his actions were more on par with a guy offering to whatasize my combo meal.

As you can probably have guessed, this "treatment" had only masked these feelings and just kept me able to function somewhat normally, instead of actually helping to improve my quality of life. For a few years following, I continued to struggle with many aspects of my life. At one point, I had gotten so bad at dealing with my feelings and even contimplated the idea of further self-medicating. I struggled for months, tossing and turning, recieving little and extremely interrupted sleep. I had reached my breaking point and was fed up...I was done with all anxiety and depresion meds....for good. That decision was and still is one of the most important ones of my life so far.


Saying that "quitting xanax was rough", was an extreme understatement. It was absolute hell. This specific hell though, ended up being a crucial moment in my decision to research alterior methods to treat, and possibly cure this illness. When you just quit cold turkey any benzo or other prescription drugs of that nature, most likely in it's same class but others as well, it's extremly dangerous and can even be deadly. Exactly Two weeks to the day , after the last time I took any of those prescriptions, I had a seizure while cutting a gentleman's hair at the salon I had worked at at that time. This was, without a doubt, the most terrifying thing that has ever happened to me! After about a year of extensive research, two more random seizures and lots of trial and errors, I finally had discovered the perfect cure that would work for me. Turns out, an herbal supplement concotion, a well proportioned healthy diet, and some sort of excercise regimin was all I needed. To my suprise, it didn't just treat my depression and axiety dissorder, but absolutley cured it.

Below I have listed and discussed in detail the life changing herbal supplement concoction , diet and exercise routine that was sole reason i beat the horrible anxiety addiction which controlled me for over 10 years.

Blog wil be upadated with the herbs i use, but also, this first draft reflects a person with a half a brain that wrote this.


If you have read this once before and it looks a lot better now, there's a good reason for that. Amazingly enough, we have very similar stories. Almost identical as a matter fact, except I was the one who had a seizure, not him. So the easiest way to put it...we both wrote this piece and that's why it has been revised an edited as much as it has, and will most likely continue to do so until the last day possible. That is also the reason why I don't know the exact recipe for his "herbal supplement concoction", but for me, I used melatonin, vitamin B12 and just the grocery store brand "women's one a day" vitamins. These, combined with a healthy diet and yoga/meditation, are what completely changed my life forever. Thank goodness, I was determined to find a safer way for treating this illness, because this stubborn way of thinking actually helped me to get motivated to do some research on my own, instead of just doing what the doctor says!

Don't worry, he is currently deep in his research of our beloved STEEM! I've told my friend about our favorite crypto and sure enough, he is fully addicted and feining for more. I was letting him use my blog to create his first post, before possibly creating his usename. I forced him to submit what he had, before I had even edited it and included my part of the story.

This above was both of ours equally! Now, i'm sure your as happy to see the finished product as I am, because let me tell you , we spent hours back and forth debating and trying to understand all that steemit has to offer. It gets me so excited for for the future, knowing that I've introduced all of this to him! Now, I have to let him do his thing and continue to shine. With his previous knowledge of the stock market, combined with his excitement and willingness to learn more, let's just say I'm going to be a lot more active on steemit from now on. I'm about to dive in deep in this whole crypto and blockchain craze. Just talking about it and conversating with others again about it, I feel like I did when I very first learned about this...EXCITED and INTRIGUED!!

This is an experiment, basically to see how much steem this one post will earn as I continue to learn about Bots and delegation, and all of the other amazing resources that Steemit and Discord has to offer!


The GIF of the guy with his head down and hands on his face was not my own. I got the image off www.google.com/images

Join me on discord in Steemschool with @dobartim and @flysky


So this post’s title claims to have information about quitting Xanax cold-turkey with no withdrawls, yet there’s no such information.... Is there another part to this article that I’m missing? Please let me know, very interested in helping someone..

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