X METAVERSE PRO: How to Open the Door to the METAVERSE World for Users?

in #x2 years ago

If there is one word to describe the current state of the metaverse, it would be “overwhelming.”

In fact, the concept of metaverse is not a new one. Back in 1992, Neil Sentiefensen, in his book “Avalanche”, shows a virtual world that is different from the real world and parallel to the real world, where all real people will have a network avatar. This world is the world namely Metaverse.

To some extent, the rise of the metaverse is the inevitable outcome of the technological revolution. When the 5G era is successfully upgraded to the 6G era; When the curtain of WEB 3.0 was lifted quietly; When a series of technologies such as AI, VR, AR and MR become increasingly mature, the rise of the metaverse has become a natural and natural thing. So, in the near future, we will really feel the content of the movie “Ready Player One”, people can switch identities anytime and anywhere, freely shuttles between the real and virtual world, and live freely in the “metaverse” constructed by virtual space and time nodes.

If you want to live an immersive life in the metaverse, you need to create your own digital ID to keep track of your identity. It should be noticed that once this identity information is established, all your activity data will be recorded on the chain and cannot be tampered with. In other words, the digital ID acts as an ID card in the metaverse, with proof of your social connections and assets in the digital world behind it.

Metauniverse is the product of virtual world, but also a decentralized platform built on blockchain, where players and users can enjoy a high degree of autonomy, their identity needs to be confirmed, their assets also need to be clear. To implement these two rights smoothly, it is necessary to use NFT. NFT is a non-homogeneous token, which means that it is not interchangeable or replicable, unique and indivisible. Therefore, NFT is a necessary certificate for identity verification in the metauniverse, and its existence also ensures that every user is unique in the metauniverse.

In addition, NFT will also provide metaverse users with digital asset rights confirmation. In the era of WEB 2.0, many users’ works need to rely on the centralized Internet platform to complete, once published, the provenance cannot be verifiable, it is difficult for original authors to assert rights to their digital works of art, as a result, plagiarism is rampant. In the era of WEB 3.0, represented by the metaverse, users have real ownership of their data when they build their personal IP, there is no need to worry about personal data and assets being stolen or lost. If a third party wants to invoke or purchase a user’s personal assets, it must also obtain the permission and verification of the party concerned, otherwise, it cannot be obtained by other means. With the power of NFT, users can enjoy the asset right confirmation in the metaverse.

So, what would a metaverse really look like that would fully immerse the user? Perhaps the answer can be found in the recent rise of dark horse project X METAVERSE PRO.

X METAVERSE PRO is an immersive METAVERSE virtual platform that X METAVERSE PRO Foundation invested heavily to build, apply a variety of cutting-edge technologies to create a virtual space in the digital world, combining cutting-edge technologies such as 5G, AI, artificial intelligence, AR, VR, MR, and brain-computer interface, let everyone can truly free from the constraints of physical location and scene, highly immersed in the virtual world of space.

Although WEB 3.0 era is a distributed network built based on blockchain technology, in many cases, people will be confined to a specific program and cannot extricate themselves, and this ecology is likely to become an island. So, one of the big things that X METAVERSE PRO is trying to do is to help users get out of the prisoner’s dilemma that WEB 3.0 may have.

Based on this initial vision, all the colleagues of X METAVERSE PRO worked hard and carefully. After many trials and calculations, they launched a unique core mechanism of X METAVERSE PRO. Through continuous liquidity injection, the efficient growth of token economy is guaranteed, and the vast majority of long-term communities with high loyalty and stickability are cultivated. Build a consensus moat to achieve win-win value.

In the process, the project has achieved long-term and stable growth, and users have also realized immersive metaverse entertainment, life and social experience, which is a veritable win-win.

It is precisely because of the emergence of great originality projects like X METAVERSE PRO, we will have a more comprehensive and diversified understanding of the METAVERSE, and the vast number of users will reap real benefits and incentives.


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