Not Just Another Mother's Day | State of the Affairs, Anti-Propagandist edition

in #wwg1wga5 years ago


Greetings from your friendly “conspiracy theorist” (I prefer the terms “Bullshit Spotter,” “Anti-Propagandist,” and “Truth Seeker,” personally) with a wee (hahahahaha, yeah, I know) ranty message about the state of affairs you really should be aware, if you aren’t already. Everything is documented, don’t hesitate to research on your own.

First off, I’m not here to cater to your echo chamber. I’m not a paid propagandist like you watch on TV (thanks 2013 repeal of Smith-Mundt Act) nor have I –ever- watched Alex Jones. His persona makes me want to slap him. And yet I shall rant.

Secondly, I’m not often on FB due to my dislike of FB because of what it does with AI (as revealed by the Cambridge Analytica scandal; not just selling your information which you curate for them, but they use AI to manipulate your feels, by showing you certain things on your timeline to provoke reactions which are used to train AI regarding you (there’s a reason FB comes preinstalled on all android phones… but more on the use and abuse of your biometics via your digital tracker later.) They believe in the digital equivalent of book burning, and if you’re okay with that, fine. Just acknowledge you’re way more fascist than democratic in your reasoning. Because that’s what’s being curated; a fascist mentality masquerading as democratic when it’s anything but. It’s literally “You better believe exactly what I believe or you’re the enemy worthy of destruction.” Full stop fascism. Acknowledge it for what it is, especially if you spout it. Kthanksloveyouanyways.

You may or may not have realized that there is something way messed up in our world. You may or may not have noticed how certain media outlets tend to prey on emotional triggers rather than fact when it comes to reporting what they deem news worthy. You may or may not know that this emotional baiting serves a purpose. Outrage culture serves a purpose.

You see, when people are easily baited with emotional triggers, it allows those doing the triggering to lead a population into whatever direction that population would not tred naturally; every emotional baiting is akin to a border collie nipping the heels of us sheep, herding us in the direction they want us to go.

Examples? Okay. I love examples.

Face masks are bullshit. There. It’s a placebo for the weak minded who can’t understand that the virus is so small that fabric won’t stop it. Even N95 won’t stop it. If jeans and underwear can’t stop a fart, what the flying fuck makes people think that a mask is going to stop something that was supposed to wipe out America (per the 2015 Deagel report projecting 2025; She was supposed to win, and the plan was supposed to work; go look up UN’s Agenda 21; it’s all there in black and white. UN should stand for United Nazis, imho, after reading that shit) as they sport their germ collecting face huggers.

Another example? Don’t hate me for my observations, okay?

When the news media reports on the dumb shit, not even newsworthy things Trump does just to rile people up, it follows the pattern of diverting attention from other things. You are the eager dog, and Trump is the tennis ball being fake thrown so you go chasing something not newsworthy, meanwhile the Constitution gets shit upon, the Navy actually discloses UFO as ‘otherworldly’ and no one gives a shit because ooh TrumpBALL!

Hey, did you read ALL the testimonies that Adam Schiff really didn’t want released because they literally f’n prove there was absolutely no Russian collusion between Trump and Putin? But hey, there’s a hot mic video of Obama telling a Russian diplomat that he’d have a lot more leeway once he wasn’t president, and the diplomat responded he’d tell Vladimir that. For reals it’s on YouTube (until they remove it because oops, can’t have things that don’t comply with the narrative of bad man orange). But sure, go ahead, get angry because you’ve been conditioned to bark at the name Trump and ignore instances of actual Russian collusion.

Social engineering is real.

It’s done some truly horrible things in the name of science and national security.

Like, I don’t know if a decent person can actually justify child rape in the name of national security and still consider themselves a decent person (just an opinion)… because that happened. MKUltra never ended, it just got rebranded with a couple different flavors under a couple different names. Understand that our current dilemma of social engineering is in part based off Nazi fucking torture science pioneered by Mengele. Yeah. For realsies. Uncomfortable and you’ve been conditioned to respond that it’s bullshit. It’s okay. It’ll be coming out sooner than later. You can go ahead and believe me then. It’s fine. I understand skepticism and conditioning, especially when it’s been pounded into heads since childhood. You don’t have the frame of reference for all the fuckery afoot. That’s all. You’re years behind me in research. That’s just plain factual. You’ve had no desire, inkling, or calling to go research these kind of rabbit holes, yet they crisscross your life and influence you more than you could ever realize. (Do yourself a favor and go look up Dr. Robert Duncan and Dr James Giordano and watch their presentations to esteemed establishments like MIT and West Point on how fucked We the People really are)

For example, did you know that the original patent for the television wasn’t for an entertainment device?

Oh, hell no. It was for control of the central nervous system. For reals. Go look that shit up. Then, while you’re at it, go google Google’s patents for control of brainwaves via EMF. And then go look up Alphabet, Google’s parent company. And then realize how many people have Android phones.

Like I said, social engineering is an evil bitch worthy of being launched into the sun for purification because no mortal method could ever fix such a jacked system.

With Gen Flynn’s case being dropped because it was proven he was set up for the purpose of derailing the Trump administration (he plead guilty because Obama’s DoJ threatened his son, a new father, with serious jail time unless Flynn pled guilty, and Flynn’s first lawyers were literally in the DoJ’s pockets; his new lawyer actually advocated for him and got the Brady Materials which proved his innocence and the DoJ’s treachery), there will be an avalanche of shit you didn’t realize was going on because you were treated like a sheep, being herded in a particular direction, away from the things you really oughta know. Like the wholesale slaughter of civilians through contract torture via stateside Fusion Centers, run by the FBI. Yep. Sounds crazy, but go look up Non-Investigative Subjects, handling code 4. ACLU did a report on them, how screwed up it was that people were watchlisted but not investigated. That’s because they’re funneled into DARPA projects based off Nazi torture science, pioneered by Mengele. Him again? Yeah.

Oh, in case you didn’t know, the CIA’s precursor, the OSS, brought a bunch of war criminal Nazi fucknuts over, scrubbed their records (Thanks, Allen Dulles, you sack of shit) and set them up in labs, military bases, universities, and hospitals to keep on trucking with their Nazi science in Project Paperclip. They experimented on American civilians on American soil. Think about that. Nazi war criminals doing the same shit which put them on our shit list, doing that shit on a mass scale in our backyards with the CIA’s protection, even though the CIA charter forbids them from doing any activities on American soil, funded by Americans.

How does that make you feel to know we didn’t actually win WW2; we brought the enemy over and funded them to keep on doing their atrocities in the name of “national security”.

These bastards basically went into two organizations: NASA (“not a space agency”) and CIA (“clowns in America”)
The clowns were so freaking atrocious with the non-consensual human experimentation (thus violating the Nuremburg code, but wtf do you expect from Nazis?) that JFK publicly stated he wanted to destroy it; shatter it into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind. He also wanted to kick the Federal Reserve outta existence because its sole purpose was to make money for big bankers as it wasn’t an actual federal institution (big banks were just a small group of families, and the Fed Res was run by congressional oversight, but depending on who was in congress and who had control of them decided the level of “oversight”…) and we know how Jack Kennedy’s story ended one November day in Dallas [thanks to the FBI declass of his files; have you read them??? Bush Sr was in Dallas; he called in the day before that there was going to be an assassination attempt on Kennedy. Bush did not identify himself as a CIA agent (because he was) in charge of multiple teams of two men (because he was) … nope. He was just an oil man representing Zapata Oil at a convention he could barely recall when asked. Bonus question: what was the official name of the Bay of Pigs fiasco? If you said “Operation Zapata,” give yourself a high five.]

Things are going to come out that will make you uncomfortable, like way uncomfortable. May shatter your world view. You don’t have to believe me now. Just hear me out, and when the truth finally comes out from behind the propaganda, then you’ll know I wasn’t bullshitting you. Or, you know, you can go research what I’ve mentioned and verify that shit for yourselves. Because the rabbit hole is deep and dark and the sad thing is most people don’t realize they live their whole lives in it, guided by it and it’s enablers, unaware of how things could actually be if these sucky assholes weren’t running and ruining everything with their Nazi-tainted fingers of fuckery.

More examples? Yay!

The drug Trump mentioned for Covid 19, HCQ, has been used to treat various ailments with a lot of success. For reals, go look it up. Everything from autoimmune disorders like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis to breast cancer. Alzheimer’s (wish I knew about that when Gramma was alive, because it breaks up the plaques in the brain; it’s cheap, and it’s been on the market for years with a pretty safe record) even. In 2005, it was found to be effective against SARS-type Coronaviruses. Fauchi, the scummy little doctor pushing for vaccinations, he knows HCQ is effective, but there’s more money to be made with pushing things that can be patented. Like, where’s the money to be made when a pill that costs .50 is available vs a vaccine dosage that costs $1000? There’s your answer. ALWAYS follow the money. Did you know two factories used in manufacturing an ingredient for HCQ caught fire recently? Yeah. That happened. It’s an all-out war that most people are utterly ignorant of because the news media is complicit in lying and propagandizing the nation.

What if those in the know knew this widely available medication could cure a wide range of ailments, but chose not to inform people of its value because as a generic, it wouldn’t make the big bucks like a new, patented vaccine would? How many people are pushing for a vaccine before things start back up? Are you aware of the litigation against Bill Gates in India for crimes against humanity for what his polio vaccine did to almost half a million children? Are you aware of skeevy shit Gates is associated with regarding vaccines and hiding shit in them? He used African populations as his guinea pigs; putting an anti-fertility agent in a tetanus vaccine which was used by UNICEF in Kenya (2014). The man has publicly stated that that the world is over populated and proper vaccines would reduce the total number by 15%. Gee, I thought vaccines were to save lives? Bueller? Bueller? Oh, and then there’s ID2020, the microchip modern equivalent of a concentration camp tattoo. Your identity becomes tied to that chip. Piss off the wrong people and you’d cease to exist in their systems; cut off from funds, medical services and history, from transportation. That’s not paranoia; that’s the reality of living in a country infested with Nazi ideals that have been pushed for generations and masqueraded as something else entirely. You want to know how Germans were manipulated in 1930’s Germany to back Hitler? You’re living it when you listen to shit like CNN and MSNBC. Propaganda is a potent drug, especially when it’s spiked with fear.

And yeah, I’m going anti Bill Gates vaccine. If his fucking computer software couldn’t keep viruses at bay (hello mandatory patch downloads because it was released before it was ready) I don’t want his not-ready-to-be-released vaccine in my body. I’d rather go with Trump’s idea of a cheap, been on the market for years, proven effective and safe medication that won’t line big pharma and all their investor’s pockets. How many people pushing for a vaccine are big pharma investors or related to them?

More example of beneficial things mocked by media… Oh, Space Force!

Did you know that by creating Space Force, it allows the declass and release for mass use of black projects – those nifty things kept secret and funded by multi-trillion dollar budgets. Ever hear of Skunkworks? It’s basically Lockheed Martin’s experimental division; their version of DARPA. The guy who was running it said that they have the ability to send ET home. And so much more…

Think about the ability to live in a Star Trek world; medbeds that healed on an atomic-level in minutes, able to regenerate limbs, fix brain damage, repair teeth, even shave off years and fix PTSD. Replicators for food and textiles thereby alleviating starvation and homelessness. Zero point energy, which would get us away from petroleum based conveyance. Imagine being able to travel anywhere; you’d never run out of fuel and roads weren’t needed. Teleporters, space travel. We could truly be living in the 21st century, the high tech one Epcot Center and the Jetsons sold us on, if this tech were released. Look up NESARA; the rebirth of a Constitutional America. That’s what we’re heading toward.

This moment in time is like birth; painful, ugly, sucky… but afterward? Shit is gonna be fucking awesome sauce.

You have to understand that HRC was supposed to win; the Old Guard running things (all that shitty social engineering and keeping secret things that could improve lives on a dramatic scale I mentioned earlier) wanted her in place so they could keep on trucking with the same shit they were doing with impunity before the election. Wikileaks revealed that the DNC asked their buddies in the news media to play up Trump as a pied piper candidate. And so, the news media played up Trump to make Trump relevant; they showed Trump’s empty podium rather than cover a Bernie Sanders speech. These arrogant twatwaffles thought that they could actually convince people to vote for a person who wasn’t even qualified for the position (per the terms of SF312, which she signed in the presence of multiple FBI agents after every term and clause was explained to her and then she went ahead and violated it; the terms clearly state she can’t hold public office. She wasted everybody’s time, money, energy…everything) by manipulating people into voting for her. AND IT BACKFIRED and they still haven’t stopped throwing a shitfit because now they know what’s going to happen now that 1) the DoJ has been cleared out of the Old Guard 2) Flynn knows where the bodies are buried; his position in the DNI means his knowledge of certain people and activities is vast, and that is one of the reasons Trump brought him on board.

A rope and a jail cell is the difference between treason and sedition, and there are many well-known names guilty of one, the other, or both.

If you don’t know who Smedley Butler is, then you stop reading this right now and go look him, and the 1930’s fascist coup up before coming back, because in the modern scheme of things the role of Smedley Butler is being played by General Mike Flynn and Admiral Mike Rodgers. Big Business, Big Pharma, Big Bankers… all those people who want to make money off your existence, they are being challenged by the New Guard led by Trump, Flynn, Rodgers. The Q Anon project is being run by Military Intelligence. The research forums, 8kun, are on DOD servers. You think the DOD does that just for shits and giggles? Q Anon is an open-source research and outreach program for when the battle between the Old Guard and New Guard goes public—and it will. Q Anon is mocked by the media because they don’t want you doing research. They want you to rely on their authoritative position as paid propagandists. And when most of the paid propagandists repeat the same propaganda, over and over and over, despite reality saying otherwise, well, that tells you all you really need to know about their bullshit and lies. No wonder it’s called “television PROGRAMMING” because they are programming your asses, with your consent, as you keep your idiot box on; combine that with the cell phone EMF aspect messing with your brain (which is sensitive to EMF; if you find yourself sleepless at night, go look up the Schumann Resonance and see if it’s in whiteout aka off the charts; SR documents the EMF resonance generated when lightning strikes the ionosphere, the Aurora Borealis is the visual manifestation of the phenomena)… and if you don’t believe me that there’s a war on your brain, perhaps you’ll believe a neuroscientist who gave a presentation to West Point’s School of Modern War.

The media turned on Trump when it became obvious he was going to put an end to the shit they were doing; they figured that out by who he selected for his cabinet. Trump surrounded himself with Generals; men who know where the bodies were hidden by those in power.

Anyone notice during one of Trump’s Covid 19 addresses to America that it was mentioned General Milley rescued a young girl from a dire situation and the media didn’t ask jack shit about this bit of news? No. They want to keep you in a state of fear with Covid 19 and not discuss the young lady who was rescued. Nope. Gotta work with the Chinese (who have a list of all the American governors who will work with them, per SoS) tank Trump’s economy (back down to Obama level highs) in an election year, implement expensive/dangerous vaccine on the population, keep everyone angry and scared and hoarding toilet paper because angry and scared people can be controlled like useful idiots. Keep it going long enough, and push mail-in voting to oust Trump (lose enough ballots and you can make anybody win)… Angry and rational people are to be feared, because they think for themselves. And that just can’t happen in an economy based on information. The only currency that is recession proof is information. If you have the right information, you can move literal mountains.

If factual information becomes widely available, then it upsets that economy; if one asserts a narrative (aka ‘bullshit story’ to cover for something else, generally nefarious) then the Truth is uncovered blowing the narrative out of the water, that puts those who a] pushed the narrative and b] wrote the narrative (because they may not be the same person) in an uncomfortable position of accountability.

And that my friends, is what you’ll be seeing shortly. News media is going to implode. It’s gonna get ugly, but it needs to be done. Do your research; get outside your preferred echo chambers. Go read Senate committee transcripts, watch C-Span videos. Watch what these people say vs what these people did.

Break the identity politics programming. Turn off the TV. Understand that if you’re the kind of person who would be a contract tracer or report your neighbors for not social distancing, that you’re the kind of person who would have ratted out Anne Frank and Harriet Tubman. Own that mentality.

“But even if it saves one life!”

Don’t give me that bullshit. HCQ has a 91% cure rate and can be used as a preventative; they found that those taking for other issues such as autoimmune disorders didn’t get Covid-19. It creates a hostile environment which makes it impossible for the virus to flourish. They found that in NY state, most who died where getting substandard care, were intubated which always resulted in death. The vast majority treated with the HCQ protocol had a quick turn around and bounced back. The few who didn’t were too far along to death’s door for it to have worked. The fact that there is a push for a vaccine when HCQ is so damn effective should be criminal.

They thought it was going to be monstrous, this virus. So huge, that many cities had emergency hospitals erected that weren’t utilized; we got nurses on social media (with great unions, I guess) doing coordinated dance routines while we’re told to fear this gnarly outbreak sure to wreak havoc in all our lives. So huge, we had to stop our lives and implement shit we don’t implement for other pandemics like SARS, the Flu (swine or otherwise) because this isn’t about a pandemic. This is ultimately about control.

This is about the change of guard; of corruption being outted and reported; and those failing to do so being agents and enablers of the worst kind of atrocities imaginable (and that, I’m afraid, isn’t hyperbole) which will shortly come to light. You won’t believe it at first. But it’s true. Accept that you’ve been treated like a mushroom: kept in the dark and fed shit on purpose… those telling you not do research do not have your best interests at heart, period. DO YOUR RESEARCH.

Documentaries you should watch:

Conspiracy of Silence
Out of Shadows
Everything from JFK to 9/11 was a Rich Man’s Trick
The Rape of America
An Open Secret
Girl 27
Frontline – Secrets of the Vatican

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