Evening Thoughts Of A Q Reader Continued.... Please get back under your rock.

in #wwg1wga6 years ago (edited)

Evening Thoughts Of A Q Reader Continued.... Please get back under your rock.

Mid Term elections on November 6 are causing wild propaganda to fill the airwaves in support of the FALSE Democrat Party narrative.  Will  America fall for it?

Today, listening to clips of Barack Obama [BO] make me ill.  Who does he think he is?  Remember this is the guy who said you could keep your doctor. "Period."  When Donald Trump is done we will forget who BO was.  This is not Obama's economy now.  Obama told us that these manufacturing jobs are never coming back.  How did he know that at the time?  Because they thought Hillary was going to win and finish off our economy in the USA once and for all.  It was their plan.  PERIOD.  FULL STOP.

BO also told us that > 2 percent growth was impossible.  He is correct when taking into account the horrible amount of regulations coming out of his administration that pulled the rug out from most business ventures.  PERIOD. FULL STOP.

BO also said: job growth at the end of his 2nd term is equal to Trump's. So that today is the continuation of "HIS" economy.  The jobs created under BO were mostly PART-TIME.  The jobs created under Trump are mostly FULL-TIME.  PERIOD. FULL STOP.

My conclusion on all of this Democrat Party apparatchik "FAKE NEWS" is to not watch what they say.  But to watch what they do.  Because what they do makes what they say SHOVEL READY. Clear?  Enough said.  PERIOD FULL STOP.


How easy was Trump's roll in reversing the downward slide of the USA?  With a Never Trump Congress nipping at his heels on stopping Obamacare?  DE-REGULATE, FAST. And   allow off shore money to come back state side at less tax costs to the Business.   The impact was immediate and good for the economy in 2017.  Republicans looking for some sort of victory on taxes at least passed the tax bill.  That put even more oxygen into the economy for 2018.   Priming the economy that we see today.  MAGA.

What is the lesson?  Less regulation and lower taxes helps everyone.  A rising tide floats all boats.  Yet the Democrat Party and their minions in the Main Stream Media continue to lie to the American people.  It must stop now!   The fact that it won't stop can only be fixed with more election victories for our side.  Declining viewership of cable and network news does not seem to change the media's take on things as CNN's viewership is down >50 percent since 2016.

Pet peeve time:  Yesterday I made the comment that Fake Outrage, from  anyone, but primarily from the likes of Maxine Waters or Chuck Schumer are premeditated lies designed to cause violence from their supporters on Republicans.  Just ask Rep. Steve Scalese.

Have you tried to post a picture on Fakebook lately?  Now they want to ask you who is in the picture.  They have AI to try to interpret memes and over 10,000 human minders trying to keep up where the AI breaks down.  FB is the enemy of Free Speech.


Read "TheConservativeTreehouse.com:  We keep hearing about 56,000 sealed indictments under the Jeff Session's Justice Department, yet no one of note has been arrested.  This movie is taking some time to develop and so far the reviews aren't good.  

Thanks to the X-22 Report for great analysis of Q posts.  Especially with his comments on Jeff Sessions changing the Regulations of how Judges can stop the actions of the Federal government, eliminating one Soros era "Law-fare" tactic.

Hat tip to The Dan Bongino Podcast for his current take on events.  He has helped red-pill my better half.  Now she listens to him and a few others when we ride in the car together.  And she "Asks" to listen too.  I'm lovin' it.  


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