The Hitler Diary Entry Series Pt 2: Jan 30th, 1933 - Hitler’s emergence to Chancellor

in #writting8 years ago (edited)

Disclaimer : This five-part series details events from World War II, written as diary entries in the voice of Adolf Hitler.

I believe the genesis of my ascension to chancellorship started in January 1932. I was called to a meeting led by Interior Minister Wilhelm Groener and state secretary Otto Meissner for the proposal of a constitutional decree to hand over the presidency to Hindenburg without elections being held. This proposal was denied on my behalf of the National Socialist party because I felt this would only strengthen the position of Burning and prevent us from obtaining our ultimate goal of entering the Reichstag and restoring the glory of Germany. This may have been a turning point for our party as Joseph Goebbels said: “the chess match for power begins.” I toiled with the idea of entering the election, but I did not want to let down the members of my party and weaken the morale of party supporters.

After many deliberations, on February 22, 1932, I gave permission to Joseph Goebbels to announce my candidacy for president during his speech at the Sportpalast that evening. A minor technicality needed to be addressed on the road to the election, and that was securing my citizenship which I did do four days later, on February 26 as I gave my oath to Germany as a civil servant. After the July 1932 elections, we became the single largest party in Germany, but we were still not the majority as we had hoped.

Immediately after the elections I met with Hindenburg and demanded the chancellorship and was denied as he appointed Franz von Papen instead, which was a humiliation to me in my eyes. Hindenburg was a fool to appoint von Papen as Chancellor, as he had no support in the Reichstag which put our new Chancellor in a position to only govern by decree. After the November elections, support for our party dwindled from the previous July election, losing us 34 seats in the Reichstag.

The old fool Hindenburg still wouldn’t appoint me Chancellor, but instead, the old man appoints one of our party leaders von Schleicher. Von Schleicher later stepped down from the Nazi party in protest of my views which infuriates me and causes me to threatened suicide if any other Nazi party leaders decide to step down as he did.

With Von Schleicher as Chancellor, the same problems of bringing a unified parliament together still existed. With the help of rich industrialists and the foolish intentions of von Papen thinking he could play puppet master of myself, the two of them convinced old man Hindenburg to appoint me Chancellor which occurred on January 30, 1933.

Although I have obtained the chancellorship I only had two Nazi party supporters in the cabinet with me. I needed to get rid of my political opposition to gain total power of the government. The first order of business was to gain complete majority vote in the parliament. To accomplish this I called for elections to be held on March 5, 1933.

After the Reichstag fire of February 27 a few days prior, I called for a decree that will imprison anyone who is considered opposition to the Nazi party’s mission, along with any media publications that create opposition.

When Hindenburg declared a state of emergency after the Reichstag fire, this allowed me to make laws and other decisions under decree without the hindrance of the Reichstag politicians. I then pass the decree of the Reich president for the protection of the people and the state on the following day. This gave me the opportunity to arrest 4000 of the communist criminals, ban communist newspapers, and take control of the police who then had total disregard for the violent acts of the SA and the SS leading up to the March 5 elections.

After the elections, we were still not able to obtain majority seats in the parliament, so I did what was necessary and issued a ban to the Communist Party which kept them from taking their 81 seats in parliament. Now that I have two-thirds majority vote, I then implemented the enabling act which allowed me to rule for four years without the Reichstag being able to stop me. I knew the communist could bring opposition with worker strikes, so in May 1933 I issued a ban on trade unions which made strikes illegal. On July I then issued another ban on all political parties in Germany making us only political party remaining.
On August 1 I made a decree that merged the chancellorship with the presidency which took effect if president Hindenburg was to pass away. It just so happens that at the time he was gravely ill, and his death was imminent.

Immediately after the death of Pres. Hindenburg on August 2, 1933, I assumed the post Führer and became the ultimate leader of Germany. I didn’t have control of the 18 regions within Germany, so on January 1934 I decided to issue a ban on each of the public officials in these regions and appointed my own Nazi officials in their place.

Source: Kershaw, Ian. Hitler: 1889-1936 Hubris. WW Norton & Company, 2000.

Check out part 1 in the series :

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